What's New

Church in Africa subcommittee member Archbishop Thomas Zinkula visited Malawi for the first time at the beginning of October to meet with the Episcopal Conference of Malawi President Archbishop George Desmond Tambala. In remarks given to those gathered to celebrate the anniversaries of six Sisters of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Archbishop Zinkula stated that it was “inspirational and heartwarming” to visit Catholics in Malawi, where the Church is “alive and well.” Read more at this Facebook post from the Episcopal Conference of Malawi.

About the Church in Africa

The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa was founded on the basic principles of Saint John Paul II's call to action in Ecclesia in Africa and the adoption of the statement A Call to Solidarity with Africa from the bishops of the United States.

"The critical challenges and enormous potential facing Africa today serve as the opportunity for--and test of--our mutual solidarity. Our response to this vocation of solidarity with the Church and peoples of Africa enables us to express love 'in deed and in truth' (1 John 3:18), a love that creates no borders and sets no limits to what might be accomplished together in Christ."  --United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Call to Solidarity with Africa (2001)

Africa faces the economic and social hurdles of enormous debt, epidemic, severe poverty, and political unrest. In spite of these challenges, the Church in Africa has almost tripled in size in the past 30 years. However, it is difficult for the church to sustain its growth and maintain essential pastoral outreach. The Fund provides grants to finance pastoral projects including outreach programs, schools, evangelization, and education of clergy and lay ministers. Our solidarity is necessary to help the "salt of the Earth" Church in Africa realize its potential as a "light of the world."

THANK YOU to all who have generously contributed to the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. Your support makes a real difference in the faith lives of the people in Africa. Please continue to pray for our African sisters and brothers.

If you miss your parish collection, donations may also be sent to:

Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
USCCB-Office of National Collections
3211 4th Street NE
Washington, DC 20017

Promotion materials are always available on the Collection Resource page.

"Responding to the call of the Church in Africa, as pastors in the United States we recognize the mutual bonds of solidarity that unite us-bonds that have been forged through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We stand in solidarity with the Church and the peoples of Africa, to recognize and support their courageous commitment to peace, justice, and reconciliation . As we do this, we are reminded of the words of the Holy Father: "Africa is not destined for death, but for life!" —United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, A Call to Solidarity with Africa (2001).

Share the Gospel of Life in Ghana

Share the Gospel of Life in Ghana

The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa helps support pastoral projects in Africa, like a pro-life conference in Ghana.

Christians in Africa - The Pope Video - May 2017

Christians in Africa - The Pope Video - May 2017

Pope Francis' prayer intention for May 2017 is for Christians in Africa. 

Pass on the Joy of Faith

Pass on the Joy of Faith

The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa helps support pastoral projects in Africa, like youth ministry training in Uganda.

Stories about Africa

Despite the vast number of valuable natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the world's poorest countries. Many do not have access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation, or to basic social services, such as education or health care. The illiteracy rate in the country is high and especially affects women. In addition, many migrants and war refugees immigrate to the DRC, straining already sparse resources.

Through a grant from the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa (SFCA), the Naomi Center in Kisantu can provide more vocational training and faith formation for young migrants and illiterate mothers. Kisantu has a high population of migrants and war refugees from bordering countries, and so the center works to create opportunities for young mothers as well as vulnerable migrants to increase literacy and develop human values that offer hope for a dignified life. With the additional funding from SFCA, the Naomi Center will offer courses in literacy, sewing, and life skills to bolster self-esteem and job expertise for 140 women.

For more information on how you can help go to the How to Give page.

In Africa, US bishop finds 'youthfulness, energy...zest for life'

USCCB International Policy Work to Support the Church in Africa

Download the most recent Annual Report and see how your gift makes a difference in Africa.