We recently experienced technical difficulties with our online application. Those issues have now been resolved, and the portal is once again open for online applications as of January 24, 2025. Thank you for your patience while the CCEE team worked to resolve the issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Helpful links/documents
CCEE Application Portal
Video Tutorial for Online Application
Application Information
The Subcommittee on Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe accepts applications for support of projects for the Church in the countries listed below:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Current USCCB Funding Priorities:
- Formation for church leaders
- Pastoral projects and Evangelization
- Catholic Education and Catechesis
- Social projects
- Scholarships
For more information about our grant cycle and application process, please see our
.Application Submission
1. All applications must be completed on official USCCB Grant Application Forms:
- Download the in word format.
- Download the in word format.
The form must be completed in English and the applicant must obtain the endorsement of the local bishop. No application will be considered without this endorsement.
2. All application forms should be both:
a. Scanned and submitted through the USCCB Online Portal;
b. Sent by post to:
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Office to Aid the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
3211 Fourth Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Application Deadlines:
The Subcommittee meets twice yearly to review applications. The meetings are normally held in mid-June and mid-November. Applications must be submitted in accordance with the schedule below.
February 28 (for June consideration)
April 30 (for scholarships, considered in June)
September 15 (for November consideration)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.: What kind of projects does CCEE fund?
A: Current CCEE funding priorities are: Formation for church leaders; Pastoral projects and Evangelization; Catholic Education and Catechesis; Social projects; and Scholarships. Please see our
for more information.Q: May I e-mail an application to the Office?
A.: No. Please use the CCEE Online Portal to upload your application.
Q.: Can I submit an application without the signature of the local bishop?
A.: No. All applications must have the original signature of the local bishop.
Q: Do I need to submit additional documents with my application?
A: Yes. Please submit a detailed budget and any other information you think would be helpful as we review the grant (additional reasoning, pictures, programs, etc.). Please see our
Q.: What if I miss the application deadline?
A.: Applications received after the deadline will be held for review during the next grant cycle. Please contact Staff if you have questions.
Q.: How do I confirm that you have received my mail documentation?
A.: Staff sends out confirmation emails once documents have been received and registered.
Q.: If I am awarded a grant, do I need to submit a report upon completion of the project?
A.: Yes. USCCB grants have a one-year term which begins on the date of disbursement of funds. The grant report should be submitted within three months after the term ends. In cases where the project runs longer than one year, please send Staff an interim letter of explanation, indicating the progress of the project, reason for the delay, expected date of completion and report submission. Please see our
for more information.Should you have any further questions about the application process, please contact our Grant Program Specialist, Andrew Kirkpatrick, at @email / 1-202-541-3402.
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