I want to know...

How to get a grant - Grant Information
How to support our work - Donations
How we use donations - Allocation of Collection Funds
Where to find Collections resources (posters/brochures/fliers/etc.)
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Grant Information

How do I know if my project/organization qualifies for funding?
Each applicant/program/project must fit specific criteria. For detailed guidelines please visit:

Anti-poverty projects in the U.S.
Pastoral programs in the U.S. mission dioceses
Pastoral programs in Central and Eastern Europe
Pastoral programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
Pastoral programs in Africa

How do I apply for funding for my project?
Each program has unique applications, deadlines, and processes. Please visit the links below to learn the application procedures specific to your area's grant criteria.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development (Anti-poverty)
Catholic Home Missions (Pastoral projects in the U.S.)
Central and Eastern Europe (Pastoral projects in Central and Eastern Europe)
Latin America (Pastoral projects in Latin America)
Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa (Pastoral projects in Africa)

How long does the grant application process take?
Each collection program has individual deadlines and grant cycles. To review deadlines and time frames pertaining to your application, please visit the links below:

Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Home Missions
Central and Eastern Europe
Latin America
Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

Who makes grant decisions?
The Committee on National Collections is comprised of bishops who oversee the work of each collection. Subcommittees of bishops make grant decisions based on recommendations from their respective staff. Grant amounts vary by program. (See guidelines above.)

I am personally in need (or I have a loved one who is.) Can I apply for a grant?
The Committee on National Collections does not provide direct grants to individuals. It focuses on pastoral projects and community programs for parishes, dioceses, and organizations. Your diocesan Catholic Charities Office might be able to assist you.


When is the collection in my parish?
Please check the  National Collection Dates to view upcoming collection dates. Some dioceses use alternate dates, so check with your diocese to confirm your local date.

I missed my parish collection or my parish does not take up the collection. Can I still make a donation?
Yes. For all Collections except Peter's Pence, you can send your donation to:**

Office of National Collections
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(Insert Name of Collection)
P. O. Box 96278
Washington DC 20090-6278

**Make checks payable to "USCCB - (Name of Collection)"

Donations for Peter's Pence Collection should be sent to:

Peter's Pence Collection
The Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008

Is my donation tax deductible?
In most cases, your donation is tax deductible. Please contact the Apostolic Nunciature for tax information regarding the Peter's Pence Collection. For more questions, please contact:
Margaret Hren
Assistant Director, Promotions

Can I target my donation to a specific project or program within one of the Collections?
You may send your donation to a specific collection, but not to a specific program or grant request funded by the collection. The National Collections Office does not have the capacity to differentiate funds between a specific project and the general collection fund. Donations made to a specific collection are distributed throughout the many important and effective projects and programs that strengthen the Church here in the U.S. and abroad and make a difference in communities all over the world.

Can I make a credit card donation online?
Gifts by cash, check, or money order can be sent to:**

Office of National Collections
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(Insert Name of Collection)
P. O. Box 96278
Washington DC 20090-6278

**Make checks payable to "USCCB - (Name of Collection)"

We are unable to process online or credit card donations at this time.

You may wish to set a National Collection up as a payee in your bank's online bill pay system. Your bank will send the check for you and save you a stamp.

How do I make a bequest or other type of planned gift?
To make a USCCB program a beneficiary in your will, estate planning, or to make a restricted gift, please use the following language:

"To the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, for exclusive use by its (name of collection here)."

Can I donate stock or securities?
Yes. Information on how to make donations of stocks or securities is available on our "How to Give" page.

I donated in my parish Collection. Where did that collection money go?
Your donation was sent with the others from your parish to your (arch) diocese. The diocese remits the proceeds to the USCCB Office of National Collections. The Office of National Collections is a good steward of your generous donations. To find out specifics on fund allocation and to get a sample of granted programs and projects, please visit the respective site from the link below:

Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Communication Campaign
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Catholic Relief Services Collection
Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Church in Latin America
Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

Allocation of Collection Funds

Who is in charge of allocating the funds from Collections and donations?
In most cases, a collection has a USCCB Subcommittee whose staff manages the grant process. The staff of each collection analyzes each proposal and determines if the proposal falls under one of the categories established by the bishops' Subcommittee and if the amount requested is appropriate for the completion of the project. The staff will then present recommendations to the Subcommittee. The Subcommittee makes the final funding decisions.

What kind of projects receive funding?
To find out specifics on fund allocation and to get a sample of granted programs and projects, please visit the respective site from the link below:

Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Communication Campaign
Catholic Relief Services Collection
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Church in Latin America
Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa

Collection Resources (brochures/posters/fliers/etc.)

Our parish receives materials for the collections. How do you know what to send us?
The National Collections office maintains a web-based managing system for collection materials. On this website, the diocesan staff responsible for the collections requests the materials for individual parishes. The National Collections Promotions staff can modify the information when requested or you may contact the person responsible for National Collections in your diocese.

Our collection is coming up and the parish needs another poster/more brochures/etc...
Our parish received too many materials, how do I adjust our quantities?
I never received any materials.

Please contact the Promotions staff immediately and they will assist you.

Margaret Hren
Assistant Director, Promotions


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If you did not find your question answered on this page, e-mail us and we will direct your question to the appropriate staff person.