Some of the many resources available on this issue are listed below. You may also use the Buscaearch feature to find other material. Please contact us, using the link on the far upper right corner of this page, if you need further information.
Pain Relief Promotion Act: Gail Quinn, Letter to the Senate
"Male and Female He Created Them"
"Medically Necessary" or "Health" Abortions: Abortion on Demand by Another Name
"RU-486t's Worse Than You Think
"To Heal the Brokenhearted...To Comfort Those Who Mourn"
"Women's Resource Center" First Choice
10 Legal Reasons to Reject Roe
101 Reasons to Abandon the Death Penalty
4 out odults Surveyed Would Limit Abortion
9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act 2004
A Call to Effective Action: When Being Right is Not Enough
A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death
A Culture of Life and the Penalty of Death PDF
A Good Friday Appeal to End the Death Penalty
A Matter of the Heart: On the 30th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
A Matter of the Heart: On the 30th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade SPN
A Special Word to Women Who Have Had an Abortion
Abortion Aftermath: "An Antiabortion Shibboleth?"
Abortion and Breast Cancer: The Link That Won't Go Away
Abortion and Catholic Social Teaching
Abortion and the Supreme Court: Advancing the Culture of Death
Abortion Clinics wanonopoly on Women
Abortion in the Affordable Care Act: Responses to Administration Claims
Abortion: Test Your Grip On Reality
Abortion: The First Human Rights Abuse
Abortions in Military Hospitals
Additional Dangers to Women under Lax Standards Set by FDA
Address by Cardinal Mahoney to National Press Club on the Death Penalty 2000-05-25
Advocate to end use of the death penalty
Amnesty International Sells Out
An Encounter with the Suffering Christ
An Unusual Medical Consensus: Partial-Birth Abortion is Never Necessary
Another Tragic Effect of Roe v. Wade
Assisted Reproductive Technologies are Anti-Woman
Assisted Suicide: What is at Stake?
Bishops Congratulate New Mexico on Death Penalty's Repeal 2009-03-15
Bishops' Official Criticizes 9th Circuit Approval of Assisted Suicide in Oregon
Bishops' Statement on Capital Punishment, 1980
Bizarre Reactions to Jubilee Post-Abortion Outreach
Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb
Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
Cardinal DiNardo Letter in Support of HR3
Cardinal DiNardo Letter in Support of HR358
Cardinal DiNardo Letter on Defunding Planned Parenthood
Cardinal DiNardo Letter to Senate- Military Hospitals
Cardinal Dolan Letter to Senate in Support of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Cardinal Dolan Letter to Senate in Support of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Cardinal Dolan: Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act
Cardinal Dolan: Statement on the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Cardinal Keeler Urges Senate to Reject Pro-Abortion Test for Judicial Nominees
Cardinal O’Malley Ltr to Congress: Support Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act
Cardinal O'Malley Ltr to Congress: Abortion Insurance Disclosure Act
Cardinal O'Malley: Government Report Confirms Bishops’ Concern on Abortion Coverage
Cardinal O'Malley: Letter Supporting S.1881 to Defund Planned Parenthood August 3, 2015
Cardinal O'Malley: Letter to Senate Supporting Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act June 16 2015
Catholic Bishops Launch Major Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty
Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty Info Sheet
Catholic Pledge to End the Death Penalty
Catholic teaching on the use of the death penaltyample group discussion
Cdl Dolan's Ltr to House: Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Chairman Statement on the Planned Executions in Arkansas, 04-13-2017
Chairman Statement on the Planned Executions in Arkansas, April 13, 2017
Choose Life: Towarulture of Life in the New Millenium
Comments on Partial Birth Abortion by US Appeals Court
Comments on Partial-Birth Abortion by U.S. Appeals Court
Comments on Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court Justices
Concern Regarding the January 2008 Draft of Bill
Congress Can Stop the Harm to Women
Congress Delivers Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
Congressman Steve Chabot's (R-OH) New Legislation
Counting Down to Partial-Birth Abortion
Criminal Justice/Death Penalty Archive
Culture of Lifenalty of Death Study Guide
Dark Times, Sleeping Giants, Women in Peril: Favorite Tales from Abortion Mythology
Dear Congress: Protect Laws that Protect Life
Death Penalty Backgrounder 2011
Death Penalty Information Center Facts
Dignity for Aborted Children Act
Do Not Affirm Roe v. Wade in the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act
Do You Know the Way to Moral High Ground?
Don't Destroy the AIDS Program
Drug and Alcohol Abuse after Abortioife Insight March 2000
Ecumenical Statement by Delaware Churches on the Death Penalty 1992
Ecumenical Statement by Georgia Churches on the Death Penalty 1980
Ecumenical Statement by Oklahoma Churches on the Death Penalty 1990
Ecumenical Statement by Rhode Island Churches on the Death Penalty 1976
Ecumenical-Statement by Texas Catholic Conferences on Death Penanlty 1998-02-24
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Assisted Suicide: Testimony to Congress of Cardinal Law 1997
Excerpts from Human Life in Our Day
Fact Sheet The Mexico City Policy
Fact Sheet: Roe V. Wade Questions and Answers
Faithful for Lifeoral Reflection
FDA Puts Women's Interests Over Profits
For What We Have Done and for What We Have Failed To Do
Forget Politics: Discuss Issues
Free for Me, But Not for Thee?
Freedom of Choice Act Factsheet
Freedom of Choice Act Legal Analysis
Gonzales v. Carhart: Cause for Renewed Hope
Guidelines for Legislation on Life-Sustaining Treatment
Healing an Abortion-Wounded Nation
Hearing on "Partial-Birth Abortion: The Truth"
Hearing on HR3 No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act
How Many Deaths Will It Take for the FDA to Suspend Sales of RU-486?
Hoyer-Greenwood Proposal: Won't Stop Late-Term Abortions
Ho Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Testimon 2014
Human Dignity in the 'Vegetative' State
Illinois Bishops Laud State's Death Penalty Repeal 2011-03-10
In God's Image: Buildinulture of Life
In Newsday Op-Ed, Bishops' Official Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Nourishment and Care, March 24, 2005
It’s Time to End the Roe v. Wade Litmus Test
Letter from Cardinal Bevilacqua to the House of Representatives- Military Hospitals
Letter from Cardinal Bevilacqua to the Senate- Military Hospitals
Letter to Congress in Support of the Child Custody Protection Act
Letter to Congress in Support of the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act
Letter to Congress on H.R. 4292, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act July
Letter to Congress on H.R. 4292, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act September
Letter to Congress Urging Support of HR5939
Letter to Gov. Richardson from Bishop Murphy Urging Repeal of New Mexico's Death Penalty 2009-03-16
Letter to House Appropriations Committee on Abortion Funding in the District of Columbia
Letter to House of Representatives HR 36 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act 2015
Letter to House of Representatives HR 36 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act May 11, 2015
Letter to Parishioners from Cardinal Hickey on the Death Penalty 1997-09-14
Letter to President Clinton from Bishop Fiorenza Calling fooratorium on the Death Penalty 2000-07-10
Letter to President Clinton from Bishop Fiorenza Urging Suspension of Executions 2000-02-09
Letter to President-Elect Obama Regarding Executive Orders
Letter to the Senate in Support of the Child Custody Protection Act (S. 661)
Letter to the Senate on HR-2354
Letter to the Senate on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
Light and Shadows: Our Nation 25 Years After Roe v. Wade
Living the Gospel of Lifehallenge to American Catholics
Mary and Women's History Month
Mental Health Risks and Abortion
Mexico City Policy Opponents' False Charges
Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly
More Deaths and Hospital Stays from RU-486
National Association of State Catholic Conference Directors
New, Improved Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
News Release: Bishops' Official Applauds Justice Department Appeal of Oregon Assisted Suicide Case
News Release: Bishops' Official Thanks Congress and President for Giving Terri Schiavhance to Live
News Release: Cardinal Keeler Mourns Tragic Death of Terri Schiavo March 31, 2005
News Release: Cardinal Keeler Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Basic Care
Obispos Católicos Lanzan Gran Campaña Católica Para Poner Fin Al Uso De La Pena De Muerte
On Abortion and the African American Family 2008
On Constitutional Amendment Protecting Unborn Human Life
On Constitutional Amendment Protecting Unborn Human Life 1976
On Executive Orders Regarding Abortion
On Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act
On the "Pro-Choice" Position on Abortion
On the “Pregnant Women Support Act”
On the Importance and Priority of Defending Innocent Human Life
On the Re-Introduction of the "Pregnant Women Support Act"
Oppose Efforts to Modify Mexico City Policy
Parish Resolution by Our Mother of God Church in Kentucky to Abolish Death Penalty 1999-05-24
Parish Resolution on Death Penalty MacCleny Florida 1999-06-01
Partial Birth Abortionridge Too Far
Partial Birth Abortion: The Writing on the Wall
Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Judged Unconstitutional
Partial-Birth Abortion ioral Framework
Partial-Birth Abortion to Be Banned
Pastoral Message of the Administrative Committee
Planned Parenthood: Setting the Record Straight
Pope Benedict XVI & USCCB on Life Issues
Pope's Speech is About Human Dignity
Post Abortion Healing is Possible
Practical Steps tealthier Marriage
Press Release on Preservation of Ban on Abortions in Military Hospitals Overseas
Problems with the State/Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill
Pro-Choice Pundit Takeecond Look
Profiting from Death at Any Cost
Project Rachel: In the Heart of the Church
Project Rachel: In the Heart of the Church SPN
Pro-Life Constitutional Amendment
Q&A on Nutrition and Hydration for Patients iVegetative State"
Reactions of the Appeals Court Justices
Reality Check: The Extreme Campaign Against the Hyde Amendment
Reclaiming Fatherhooife Insight 2007
Reducing Abortions by Promoting Abortion?
Related Supreme Court Decisions
Remove "Sense of Senate" Provision from S. 3
Respect for Unborn Human Life: The Church's Constant Teaching
Risks to U.S. Women under Relaxed Controls
Roe v. Wade, Compassion & the Risen Christ
Roe v. Wade: Questions and Answers PDF
RU-486- Mifepristone/Misoprostol Abortion
Scientific Community's Responses to the Question: When Does Life Begin?
Seeing People as God sees Them
Selected Quotes from Church Documents
Sex: What Do Women (and Men) Really Want?
Signing the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
Signs for Hope in 2006: The Courts
Signs of Hope in 2006: The Courts, Reason #5
Statement Addendum by Oklahoma Catholic Bishops on the Death Penalty 1983
Statement by Archbishop Chaput on the Death Penalty 1997-06-06
Statement by Archbishop of Atlanta on the Death Penalty 1992
Statement by Bishop Brunett on the Death Penalty 1995
Statement by Bishop Fiorenza on the Execution of Timothy McVeigh
Statement by Bishop Furey on the Death Penalty 1977
Statement by Bishop Green on the Death Penalty 1973-12-15
Statement by Bishop Harris on the Death Penalty 1977
Statement by Bishop Sullivan on the Death Penalty 1992-07
Statement by Bishop Sullivan on the Death Penalty 1992-12
Statement by Bishops of Florida on Death Penalty 1972-11
Statement by Bishops of Texas on the Death Penalty 1992-01
Statement by Cardinal Baum on the Death Penalty 1976-12-27
Statement by Cardinals Mahony and Keeler on the Execution of Timothy McVeigh 2001-05-02
Statement by Montana Catholic Conference on Death Penalty 1981-11
Statement by Oregon Catholic Bishops on the Death Penalty 1984-10
Statement by the Catholic Bishops of Ohio on the Death Penalty 1996-06-28
Statement by USCCood Friday Appeal to End the Death Penalty 1999-04-02
Statement Commending Govenor Ryan's Clemency to Death Row Inmates 2003-01-16
Statement of the Committee for Pro-Life Affairs
Statement on the Death Penalty
Statement on the Death Penalty by Bishop Gracida 1976-06
Statement on the Death Penalty by Iowa Catholic Bishops' 1998-02-04
Statement on Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act
Statement: To End The Death Penalty 1999-12-03
Statements by the Holy Father and the Vatican
Statements from the Vatican on the Death Penalty
Statistics and Complications Who Were Someone's Daughter
Staying the Course in the Fight Against AIDS
Stop the Bloodshed and Pass Holly's Law
Streamlined Procedure Acts of 2005
Suicide and Assisted Suicide The Role of Depression
Suicide and Assisted Suicide: The Role of Depression
Summary of Roe v. Wade and Other Key Abortion Cases
Support for the Hyde/Smith Motion
Support for the Kemp-Kasten Amendment
Support H.R. 4965, Oppose H.R. 2702
Support H.R. 760, Oppose Hoyer-Greenwood Bill
Support S. 3, Oppose Durbin Amendment
Support the Partial Birth Abortion Act, H.R. 3660
Support the Partial Birth Abortion Act, S. 1692
Support the Substitute Amendment t731
Supreme Court and Juvenile Death Penalty
Supreme Court Did Not Resolve Abortion Controversy: It Created It
Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument on Partial-Birth Abortion
Supreme Court Out of Touch with the Mainstream on Abortion
Supreme Court's Response to the Question: When Does Life Begin?
Takinecond Look at Roe v. Wade
Ten Legal Reasons to Reject Roe
Terri Schiavo and the Echoes of Abortion
Testimony by Bishop Kinney Before Judicial Committee 1995-12-07
Testimony of Archbishop Joseph Bernardin
testimony of Archbishop Joseph Bernardin 1976
Testimony of Cardinal Humberto Medeiros
Testimony of Cardinal John Cody
Testimony of Cardinal John Krol
Testimony of Cardinal Terence Cooke
Testimony of Cardinal Terence Cooke 1976
Testimony of Cardinal Timothy Manning
Testimony of the NCCB before the Subcommittee on the Constitution_November1981
Testimony on Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000
The Beginning of the End of Partial-Birth Abortion
The Big Lie About Partial-Birth Abortion
The Church's Anti-Death Penalty Position
The Church's Love Letter to the World
The Courage of One, With Support From Many
The Good News: More Than Black or White
The Importance of the Mexico City Policy
The Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative: Changing Hearts and Saving Lives
The Life You Save May Be Your Own
The Mexico City Policy: Protecting the Most Fundamental Right
The New York Times Won't See Their Pain
The New York Times Won't See Their Pain by Susan Wills
The Playbook on Partial-Birth Abortion
The Power of Postcards and Prayers
The Resolution to the Resolution
The Supreme Court and Partial-Birth Abortion: Questions and Answers
The Supreme Court Takeecond Look at Partial-Birth Abortion
The U.S. Supreme Court's 1997 Decisions on Assisted Suicide
The Unhappy Birthday of RU-486 Approval
Treatment of Infants Born with Handicapping Conditions, Bryce 1982
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Assisted Suicide
Unto the Least of These My Brethren: U.S. Population Control Policy
Urge Amnesty International to Rescind its New Abortion Policy
Urgently Needed Legislation on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
Urging Senate Support of the Pain Relief Promotion Act
Using "States' Rights" to Do Wrong
Very Bad News for the U.N. Population Fund
Victim Advocates Against the Death Penalty
Víctimas abogan contra la pena de muerte
Vote for the Smith/Oberstar/Hyde Amendment
What you can do to end the death penalty
When Does Life Begin... and End with EPC's
Where Have All the Children Gone?