Join Susan Mulheron, Chancellor for Canonical Affairs at the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis, as she unwraps the revised Book VI of the Code of Canon Law. Discover what has changed, what hasn’t change and how this impacts safe environment efforts.
Explore the multitude of official church documents and how they promote safety and accountability in safeguarding minors. Deacon Matt Glover is a canon lawyer and civil lawyer for the Diocese of Little Rock.
Dr. Heather Banis, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Mayra Flores, Archdiocese of Chicago, highlight efforts to commemorate Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) in their Archdioceses.
Meet Most Rev. James V. Johnston Jr., Chair of the Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People and Ms. Suzanne Healy, Chair of the National Review Board as they discuss the role and current projects of the CPCYP and NRB.
Stacie LeBlanc, President of APSAC, Co-Founder of the UP Institute, and National Review Board Member presents the UP Institute's No Hit Zone initiative of abuse prevention.
Representatives from Stonebridge Business Partners explore current audit trends with examples from dioceses, along with time for questions and answers.
Elder Samaniego from the Diocese of San Bernardino and Eileen Puglisi from the National Review Board discuss the benefits of using a diocesan review process to strengthen overall diocesan culture in terms of survivor assistance and child protection.
Janell Rasmussen from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Barbara Landregan from the Diocese of Dallas, and Veronica Childers from the Diocese of Boise discuss three different methods of conducting parish and school audits to assess...
Teresa Pitt Green and Luis A. Torres Jr. from Spirit Fire Ministry, and Annette Klimka, the Victim Assistance Coordinator from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe discuss how to provide care and support to survivors of abuse during the current crisis.
Fr. Ralph O'Donnell and Fr. Luke Ballman from the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, join Deacon Bernie Nojadera to discuss seminarian formation. An overview of the structure of the seminary, the elements of human formation...
Melanie Takinen and Drew Dillingham from the Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection, as well as Siobhan Verbeek from the Secretariat of Canonical Affairs and Church Governance, explain the main revisions to the Charter for the Protection of Children...
Thom Englert and Stephanie Wood from Stonebridge provide a brief overview of the audit of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, and answer any specific questions regarding the audit instrument, charts, and general compliance.
National Review Board members Judge Kate Huffman, Howard Healy and Ernie Stark share important information and recommendations regarding diocesan and religious review boards. Topics include the main tasks of review boards and how to best utilize your...
Dr. Francesco Cesareo, Chair of the National Review Board (NRB), provides recommendations to dioceses/eparchies, as well as updates on new resources being developed by the NRB and Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection.
Ms. Teresa Hartnett, Pastoral Outreach Provider, Spirit Fire Ministry, and founder of the Healing Voices Magazine, reflects on how to provide pastoral care for those who have been abused.
Deacon Steven DeMartino, Director of Priest Wellness for the Archdiocese of New York, which is a specialty ministry of healing and accompaniment to the Presbyterate, provides guidance on pastoral care for clergy offenders.
Siobhan Verbeek, Canon Lawyer in the USCCB Secretariat of Canonical Affairs and Church Governance, provides an explanation of the applications of Canon Law in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
In this short video, the principles of high reliability are quickly explained in terms of their connection to issues of child protection and victim assistance.
Bishop-Emeritus Paul S. Loverde explains how his diocese provided healing and outreach to victims/survivors, as well as his own experiences with victims.
An analysis of the impact of pornography on the Church as well as how to respond to those who struggle with its use by Andy Lichtenwalner, Executive Director, and Bethany Meola, Assistant Director, USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and...
An analysis of the data on allegations, as well as characteristics of victims and perpetrator by Mary Gautier, Senior Research Associate,Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA)
Deacon Tom Berg, Chancellor, and Regina Quinn, Safe Environment Manager, Diocese of Columbus share their practical experiences implementing the 5 principles in the Diocese of Columbus.
Bishop Edward J. Burns, former USCCB Chair of the Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People provides a general overview of the state of the Church's efforts to protect children, as well as a theological insight into the crisis.