Many of the topics below are posted throughout this NFP section of the USCCB website. They are listed for ease of reference.
Also included are links to other topics of interest and USCCB pages that are relevant to the subjects of the human person, human sexuality, the virtue of chastity, marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood, procreation, children and the family.
Please contact the NFP Program at to suggest additional topics for this list.
- Bibliography of NFP Research
- Breastfeeding
- Bulletin Inserts
- Catholic Teaching on Marriage and NFP
- Cervical Mucus Methods
- Contraception
- Clergy and NFP
- Current Medical Research
- Diocesan NFP Coordinators
- Diocesan NFP Teachers
- Directory-Diocesan NFP Coordinators
- Directory-NFP Teacher Training Programs
- Effectiveness of NFP
- Health Care Professionals and NFP
- History--NFP Methods and Pioneers
- Humanae Vitae
- Infertility
- Introduction to NFP (text from USCCB NFPP booklet)
- Love and Sexuality--Catholic Teaching
- Media Kit--For NFP Awareness Week
- National NFP Awareness Week
- NFP Current News
- NFP Myth and Reality (text from USCCB NFPP brochure)
- NFP Newsletter Archive
- NFP Office Hours
- NFP Videos
- Natural Law and NFP
- Anti-Pornography
- PowerPoint Presentations-Introduction to NFP
- Prayer and Liturgy
- Pro-Life Activities
- Religious Liberty
- Requiring NFP Education in Marriage Preparation
- Responsible Parenthood
- Spirituality of NFP
- Survey, Annual Diocesan NFP Program Profile
- Sympto-Hormonal Methods
- Sympto-Thermal Methods
- Theology of NFP