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Religious Freedom Week 2023: June 25
Pray that religious student groups would be free to be faithful to their distinctive missions.
Participation in a religious student group at college can be an important part of a young person’s education. However, university policies meant to promote inclusivity – such as a rule that any student has the right to be a leader of a campus student group – have been used to prohibit religious student groups from ensuring that their leaders and members share their beliefs. The sentiment of such policies might seem appealing, but it means that an atheist could lead a Bible study, a climate change denier could lead the environmental club, or a Republican could lead the College Democrats. This false idea of inclusivity essentially prevents groups from having any distinctive mission or identity. College campuses can embrace the gift of freedom by allowing student groups to operate in accordance with their distinctive missions.
Support the Equal Campus Access Act. In 2020, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) established Equal Campus Access provisions, which aimed to protect religious student groups at schools that receive federal funding. However, in 2023, the USDE proposed to rescind those provisions. The Equal Campus Access Act would codify the 2020 rule. Urge Congress to support the Equal Campus Access Act!
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