Religious Liberty in a Culture of Self-Invention

A Symposium Hosted by the USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty 

The USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty is bringing together scholars, advocates, and church leaders to reflect on the current culture of self-invention in our nation—a culture that views the self as the center of meaning, and that regards personal identity as a matter entirely of our own creation.  Participants will explore how that culture presents unique challenges to religious freedom and what the Catholic Church in the United States can do to meet those challenges.  

Join us September 9, 2024, at the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, DC for this unique discussion.

Speakers Include

Bishop Kevin Rhoades 
Chairman, Committee for Religious Liberty 

Mary Rice Hasson 

D. C. Schindler 

Abigail Favale 

Melissa Moschella 

Anthony Picarello 

Helen Alvaré 

Paul Scherz 


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