Happening Now
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Conflict in South Sudan
Bishop David J. Malloy, October 13, 2021
Letter of Solidarity Sent to the President of the Sudan-South Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference on the Occasion of South Sudan’s Tenth Anniversary of Independence
Bishop David J. Malloy, July 7, 2021
Policy and Advocacy for Justice and Peace in Eastern and Southern Africa
Background Information
Backgrounder on the Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace to South Sudan
January 2023
Backgrounder on South Sudan
February 2018
Backgrounder on South Sudan
January 2016
Backgrounder on Sudan and South Sudan
February 2012
Backgrounder on Sudan
February 2011
Backgrounder on Zimbabwe
February 2010
Backgrounder on Zimbabwe
June 2009
Backgrounder on Kenya
June 2009
Backgrounder on Zimbabwe
February 2009
Backgrounder on Kenya
May 2008
Backgrounder on Ethiopia and Eritrea
February 2008
Backgrounder on Kenya
February 2008
Backgrounder on Somalia
February 2008
Background on Northern Uganda
February 2007
Background on Northern Uganda
November 2006
Hotel Rwanda, Hotel Darfur: Ending Violence and Death in Sudan
April 26, 2005
Crisis in Darfur, Hope for Sudan
PowerPoint Presentation, February 23, 2005
Day of Prayer for Sudan
August 2004
Backgrounder on Sudan
August 2004
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken on U.S. Africa Strategy
Bishop David J. Malloy, October 13, 2022
U.S. Bishops’ Chairman on International Justice and Peace Releases "A Renewed Call to Solidarity with Africa"
Bishop David J. Malloy, July 26, 2022
A Renewed Call to Solidarity with Africa
March 2022
Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Letter of Condolence Upon the Death of Vice President Chilima, Former First Lady Dzimbiri and 8 other Malawians
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, June 27, 2024
Letter of Solidarity to President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia After Signing of Peace Agreement
Bishop David J. Malloy, November 9, 2022
U.S. Bishops’ Chairmen Offer Prayers and Solidarity for Recovery After Deadly Cyclone Hits Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin and Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, March 22, 2019
Statement From the USCCB President on this Weekend’s Bombings and Church Collapse
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, December 11, 2016
USCCB President and CRS Chairman Issue Aid Appeal for Drought and Famine Victims in Somalia and Parts of East Africa
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan and Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas, August 10, 2011
Letter to Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference on Zimbabwe
Bishop Howard Hubbard, March 4, 2009
Letter to Secretary Clinton on Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference regarding Zimbabwe
Bishop Howard Hubbard, March 3, 2009
Letter of Support to Southern African Bishops' Conference on the Situation in Zimbabwe
Bishop Thomas Wenski, June 9, 2008
Letter of Support to Archbishop Christopher of Zimbabwe
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, May 7, 2008
Letter to Secretary of State Regarding the Situation in the Horn of Africa, Somalia, and Sudan
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, October 24, 2008
Letter to Secretary of State Rice Following Tragic Events in Kenya
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, January 8, 2008
Letter to the Zimbabwean Bishops' Conference
Bishop Thomas Wenski, April 12, 2007
Statement of the Zimbabwean Bishops' Conference
March 30, 2007
Letter to White House National Security Advisor Regarding Conflict in Somalia
December 5, 2006
Statement on the Situation in Zimbabwe
Bishop John Ricard, June 24, 2005
Letter of Solidarity with Church in Kenya After Murder of Bishop Locati
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 15, 2005
Statement on Highly Indebted Poor Country Enhanced Debt Reduction
(References to Guinea, Uganda, Zambia, Niger, and Nicaragua)
June 4, 2001
Letter to Secretary of the Treasury O'Neill on Enhanced HIPC Debt Reduction
(References to Zambia, Niger and Guinea)
Cardinal Bernard Law, June 5, 2001
Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Delegation to Kenya
April 5, 2001
Statement on the Arrest of Archbishop Emmanuel Kataliko and Letter to Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda
February 17 and 18, 2000
A Jubilee Call for Debt Forgiveness
(References to Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, and Zambia)
April 1999
Burundi and Rwanda
Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo on the Political, Social, and Human Rights Conditions in Burundi
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, October 8, 2019
Letter of Solidarity to the Burundi Catholic Bishops' Conference Joining Call for a Halt to Violence
Bishop Oscar Cantú, December 17, 2015
Letter to Secretary of State Kerry Regarding Growing Unrest in Burundi
Bishop Oscar Cantú and Dr. Carolyn Woo, November 20, 2015
Letter to Ambassador Susan Rice Regarding Electoral Process in Burundi
Bishop Oscar Cantú, April 20, 2015
Letter to Burundi Catholic Bishops' Conference in Advance of National Elections
Bishop Oscar Cantú, April 20, 2015
How Can the Church Outside the Great Lakes Region Strengthen the Capacity of the Church Here to Engage in Peacebuilding
Presentation by Bishop John Ricard to Conference on Catholic Peacebuilding, July 28, 2006
10th Anniversary of the Genocide in Rwanda: The Challenge of Reconciliation and Peace
Bishop John H. Richard, April 7, 2004
Burundi: A Call to Healing and Reconciliation; Statement on the Assassination of Archbishop Michael Courtney, Apostolic Nuncio to Burundi
January 9, 2004
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken on the Conflict in Sudan
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, June 27, 2024
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Situation in Sudan
Bishop David J. Malloy, August 2, 2023
Letter Regarding Appointment of Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, October 11, 2013
Letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sudan and South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, November 18, 2011
Letter to the Bishops of Sudan Regarding the Referendum on Self-Determination
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, January 20, 2011
Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on Efforts of Ensure Successful Referendum for Sudanese People
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, January 20, 2011
Letter to U.S. Senator Casey Regarding Commitment to Peace in Sudan
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, January 20, 2011
Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on Situation in Sudan
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, September 23, 2010
Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on the Sudanese Bishops' Pastoral Statement and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, February 5, 2010
Letter to U.S. Senate Regarding Resolution on Sudan and Implementation of Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, February 5, 2010
Letter of Solidarity to the Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference Regarding Recent Pastoral Letter and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, February 3, 2010
Letter to Special Envoy J. Scott Gration
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, April 2, 2009
Letter to Secretary of State Regarding the Situation in the Horn of Africa, Somalia, and Sudan
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, October 24, 2008
Letter to Secretary of State Rice on Sudan
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, December 11, 2007
Letter to Secretary Rice on the Situation in Darfur
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, July 9, 2007
Letter from Bishops' Conferences to G-8 Leaders
Bishop William S. Skylstad, May 31, 2007
Statement on the Occasion of the Global Day for Darfur
Bishop Thomas Wenski, September 15, 2006
Letter to Secretary of State Regarding Darfur
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, May 11, 2006
Statement on the Occasion of the Save Darfur Rally
April 28, 2006
Letter to the Honorable Richard G. Lugar on the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2005
Bishop John H. Ricard, October 31, 2005
Statement on National Day of Action for the People of Darfur
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 21, 2005
Letter to Congress Regarding Darfur Peace and Accountability Act
Bishop John H. Ricard, August 10, 2005
Statement on the Death of Dr. John Garang de Mabior
Bishop John H. Ricard, August 3, 2005
Statement on Southern Sudan Peace Agreement
Bishop John H. Ricard, January 13, 2005
Cry of the People of Darfur
Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, November 17, 2004
Protect Human Lives in Darfur: A Statement on the Crisis in Darfur, Sudan
Bishop John H. Ricard, October 27, 2004
Letter to Secretary Powell Supporting Emergency Funding for Sudan
September 30, 2004
Letter to Secretary Powell on Crisis in Sudan
August 19, 2004
Statement by the Catholic Bishops of Sudan on the Critical Situation in Darfur
August 2004
Bishop Gregory's Letter to All Bishops
August 2004
Letter to Secretary Powell on Darfur, Sudan
Bishop John H. Ricard, June 28, 2004
German Bishops' Statement on Sudan
June 2004
Statement on the Crisis in Western Sudan
Bishop John H. Ricard, May 5, 2004
Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on African Affairs
Mr. Paul Townsend, Catholic Relief Services, July 11, 2002
Let There Be a Just and Durable Peace in the Sudan: An Appeal by the Bishops of the Catholic and Episcopal Churches of the Sudan
August 17, 2001
Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Delegation to Sudan
Bishop John H. Ricard, April 5, 2001
Findings and Policy Recommendations
Delegation of U.S. Catholic Bishops to Sudan, March 24 - April 6, 2001
Sudan's Cry for Peace
November 2000
Statement by the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference
September 2000
Statement Condemning the Bombing of Narus in Southern Sudan
Bishop Fiorenza, September 21, 2000
Statement on Sudan
Cardinal Bernard Law, March 28, 2000
South Sudan
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Conflict in South Sudan
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, April 19, 2024
Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Conflict in South Sudan
Bishop David J. Malloy, October 13, 2021
Letter of Solidarity Sent to the President of the Sudan-South Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference on the Occasion of South Sudan’s Tenth Anniversary of Independence
Bishop David J. Malloy, July 7, 2021
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in the Congo, South Sudan, and the World
February 23, 2018
Prayers for the Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and the Whole World
February 23, 2018
President of U.S. Bishops Conference Encourages Catholics to Join Pope Francis in a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace in the Congo, South Sudan, and the World on February 23
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, February 14, 2018
Letter of Solidarity to the Sudan Catholic Bishops' Conference
Bishop Oscar Cantú, March 1, 2017
Letter to Secretary of State Kerry and National Security Advisor Rice Regarding South Sudan Peace Agreement
Bishop Oscar Cantú and Dr. Carolyn Woo, September 16, 2015
Bishop Pates Urges Envoy To Continue Relief, Push for Peace in South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, October 23, 2014
Letter to U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan Regarding Pastoral Message of Hope from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, October 22, 2014
Letter of Solidarity with the Church in South Sudan During a Time of Crisis
Bishop Richard E. Pates, March 6, 2014
Written Statement for House Subcommittee Hearing on the Crisis in South Sudan
USCCB and Catholic Relief Services, February 26, 2014
Solidarity Letter to the Church and the People of South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, February 19, 2014
Letter to National Security Advisor Rice Regarding South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, February 19, 2014
Pastoral Exhortation from the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Sudan and South Sudan: Let Us Refound Our Nation on a New Covenant
January 31, 2014
Letter to Archbishop of Juba on Situation in South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, January 2, 2014
Letter Regarding Appointment of Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, October 11, 2013
Letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sudan and South Sudan
Bishop Richard E. Pates, November 18, 2011
Bishop Ricard Will Represent USCCB’s International Justice and Peace Committee at South Sudan’s Independence Events July 9
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 7, 2011