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U.S. and European Bishops Issue a Joint Declaration for Renewed Transatlantic Partnership as EU-US Summit in Brussels Approaches
On June 8, 2021, as the EU-U.S. Summit in Brussels approaches, the heads of the episcopal conferences for the European Union and the United States issue a joint declaration affirming their shared commitment to the promotion of global peace, justice, and human development.  

Policy on and Advocacy for International Trade

Background Information


U.S. and European Bishops Issue a Joint Declaration for Renewed Transatlantic Partnership as EU-US Summit in Brussels Approaches
Archbishop José H. Gomez and Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, June 8, 2021

NAFTA and International Public Health: An Interfaith Call for Access to Medicines
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, May 15, 2018

Statement: Renegotiating NAFTA: Rebuilding our Economic Relationship in Solidarity, Mutual Trust, and Justice | en Español
Bishop Oscar Cantú, Bishop Frank J. Dewane, Bishop Leopoldo González González, Archbishop Carlos Garfias Merlos, and Bishop Guillermo Ortiz Mondragón, November 15, 2017

Comments on the Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement
Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Bishop Oscar Cantú, Submitted to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on June 12, 2017

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer on Moral Principles and the Evaluation of Proposed Trade Deals
Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Bishop Oscar Cantú, May 12, 2017

Letter to Secretary of Commerce Ross Regarding Moral Principles and the Evaluation of Proposed Trade Deals
Bishop Frank J. Dewane and Bishop Oscar Cantú, April 4, 2017

In Opposition to Congressional Review Action to Repeal Transparency in Extractive Industries
Bishop Oscar Cantú, January 31, 2017

EU and US Bishops' Recommendations on the Negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Reinhard Cardinal Marx and Archbishop Joseph Edward Kurtz, June 19, 2016


Latin American Bishops Petition Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Mining Companies Accountable for Economic and Environmental Harm
March 19, 2015

Letter to Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM) Regarding Hearing Before Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on Extractives Industries I en Español
Bishop Oscar Cantú, March 17, 2015

Letter to Congressional Leaders on Moral Principles with Regards to Trade Agreements
Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and Bishop Oscar Cantú, January 26, 2015

Letter to U.S. Senate on Agricultural Cargo Preferences
Bishop Richard E. Pates and Dr. Carolyn Woo, May 29, 2014

Letter to Congress Concerning Moral Principles with Regard to Trade Policies
Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and Bishop Richard E. Pates, January 16, 2014

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Froman on U.S. Trade Policy
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire and Bishop Richard E. Pates, July 19, 2013

Letter to Congress Regarding Free Trade Agreements with Focus on the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, April 6, 2011

Letter to Congress on Free Trade Agreements with Colombia
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, March 24, 2011

Letter to the SEC Chairman Shapiro on Proposed Extractives Transparency Rules
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard and Ken Hackett, February 9, 2011

Letter to the SEC Chairman Shapiro Regarding Proposed Conflict Minerals Rules with Focus on Conflict Minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard and Ken Hackett, February 8, 2011

Letter to the U.S. Trade Representative Kirk Regarding the Andean Trade Preferences Act
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, June 23, 2010

Letter to Congress Regarding the Energy Security Through Transparency Act
Bishop Howard Hubbard, Mr. Ken Hackett, May 3, 2010

Letter to Congress on the Conflict Minerals Act and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bishop Howard Hubbard, February 19, 2010

Prior to 2010

Letter to Congress Regarding the Conflict Minerals Trade Act and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bishop Howard Hubbard, December 17, 2009

Letters to Congress on the Effects of Excessive Speculation in the Global Food Crisis
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, Bishop Frank J. Dewane, May 6, 2009

Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Regarding Oversight of U.S. Trade Preference Programs
Fr. Andrew Small, OMI, June 12, 2008

Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, U.S. Trade Representative Schwab, and Congressional Leaders on Key Trade Measures
References Haiti, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, February 25, 2008

Letter to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Pelosi, Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, and U.S. Trade Representative Schwab Regarding U.S. Trade Policy
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, May 18, 2007

Letter to Congress Urging Support of Trade Preferences to Haiti
Bishop Thomas Wenski, September 25, 2006

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Schwab on Trade Relationship Between the United States and Vietnam
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, August 24, 2006

Letter to the New York Times Editor in Response to "Clock is Ticking on Global Trade Talks"
Bishop Thomas Wenski, June 30, 2006

Letter to Secretary of State Rice Urging Support for Trade Preferences for Haiti
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, Ken Hackett, April 10, 2006

Letter to Ambassador Portman Urging Support for Trade Preferences for Haiti
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, Ken Hackett, April 10, 2006

Letter to US Trade Representative on Free Trade Agreement with the Andean Nations of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
Bishop Thomas Wenski, November 28, 2005

Letter on Doha Development Round of Trade Negotiations
Bishop William Skylstad, October 21, 2005

Communiqué of the Latin American and North American Bishops on Trade and Economic Development for Latin American and Caribbean Nations
September 8, 2005

Statement Reacting to G8 Summit
Bishop John Ricard, July 11, 2005

Letter to President Bush Before G8 Summit
Bishop William Skylstad, June 28, 2005

Letter to Congress on Central American Free Trade Act (CAFTA)
Bishop John Ricard and Bishop Robert Lynch, June 16, 2005

Letter to Sen. Grassley Regarding the Rural America Preservation Act and the Effects on Farmers in Central America, Africa, and Asia 
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop John H. Ricard, April 1, 2005

Communiqué of Andean and U.S. Bishops Regarding U.S.-Andean Free Trade Agreement | En Español
February 10, 2005

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick on Trade Negotiations in Doha Development Round
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 26, 2004

Statement on United States-Central American Free Trade Agreement (US-CAFTA) | En Español
USCCB and Bishops' Secretariat of Central America (SEDAC), July 21, 2004

Recommendations to the U.S. Trade Representative on the Negotiation of the Central American Free Trade Agreement | En Español
Catholic Relief Services, October 2003

Statement on the World Trade Organization Meetings in Cancun
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 10, 2003

Letter to U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick on Proposed Trade Agreement for Central America (CAFTA) | En Español
Bishop John H. Ricard, February 11, 2003

Conference on Humanizing the Global Economy
January 28-30, 2002

Introductory Remarks: Bishop Wilton D. GregoryMonseñor Jorge Jiménez CarvajalArchbishop Brendan M. O'Brien, and Bernard Cardinal Law
January 28, 2002
Keynote Address, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, January 28, 2002
Address, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, January 30, 2002

Letter to Congress on Fast Track Authority for Negotiations of Trade Agreements and on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
November 5, 1997

The Globalized Economy: Challenges to the Church in the U.S.
October 3-5, 1996

Letter to Congress on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 
Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, November 8, 1993

Letter to U.S.Trade Representative Kantor Regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, June 29, 1993

Statement to U.S. Trade Representative's Hearing on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, September 9, 1991

Letter to U. S. Trade Representative Hills Regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, June 4, 1991