Arson, Vandalism, and Other Destruction at Catholic Churches in the United States


At least 368 incidents have occurred across 43 states and the District of Columbia since May 2020.  Incidents include arson, statues beheaded, limbs cut, smashed, and painted, gravestones defaced with swastikas and anti-Catholic language and American flags next to them burned, and other destruction and vandalism. This list shows incidents of vandalism, arson, or other destruction at Catholic sites that have been publicly reported in news media. It excludes incidents where circumstances suggest a motive other than hostility toward the Church.

Statements, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

U.S. Bishops’ Religious Liberty Committee Chairman Offers Reflection for Religious Freedom Day 2022, January 14, 2022 - 

One Hundred Incidents of Vandalism Reported at Catholic Sites in U.S. Since May 2020, October 14, 2021 -

Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami, chairman, Committee on Religious Liberty, and Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, statement, “Bishop Chairmen Condemn Acts of Vandalism, Destruction at Catholic Sites,” July 22, 2020 - 


Letter from Cardinal Timothy Dolan Supporting the Nonprofit Security Funding, November 1, 2023 

Letter from Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Archbishop Paul Coakley supporting increased funding to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, January 14, 2022

Interfaith Letter in Support of Increased Funding to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, June 1, 2021 

USCCB Letter to Congress Requesting Funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, May 7, 2021 

Interfaith Letter Supporting Increased Funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, October 5, 2020



December 2024

December 13: Statue of Virgin Mary vandalized and head missing (St. Peter Catholic Church, Pittsburgh, PA) -

December 3: Statue destroyed outside church (Holy Cross Church, Harrison, NJ) - 

November 2024

November 28: Church vandalized, fire extinguisher sprayed, hole made in stained glass, statues from 1800s damaged (St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, Michigan City, IN) - 

November 20: Gold rose from 9/11 memorial stolen (Church of St. Francis of Assisi, New York, NY) - 

October 2024

October 23: Signs vandalized at church (St. Robert Bellarmine Church, Blue Springs, MO) - 

October 23: Fire intentionally set in building, smoke damage throughout church (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Franklin, MA) - 

October 21: Statues of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Therese of Lisieux broken (St. Therese of Lisieux Church, Brooklyn, NY) - 

October 18: Fire intentionally set in church resulting in significant damage (St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Casa Grande, AZ) - 

October 16: Fire set at altar spread throughout church, which was in a temporary location after original church was set on fire (Incarnation Catholic Church, Orlando, FL) - 

October 10: Statue of St. John the Baptist smashed with a hammer (St. John the Baptist Maronite Catholic Church, New Castle, PA) - 

October 6: Hateful graffiti written on wall, statue of St. Frances Cabrini vandalized (St. Frances Cabrini Shrine, Manhattan, NY) - 

September 2024

September 30: Rock thrown through stained glass window of St. Patrick (Roman Catholic Church of the Transfiguration, New York, NY) - 

September 28: Statue of St. Francis de Sales spray-painted (St. Francis de Sales Church, Sherman Oaks, CA) - 

September 24: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary smashed with rock (Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Queens, NY) - 

September 21: Pro-life banner spray-painted (Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, Westfield, NJ) - 

September 20: Statue of St. Francis de Sales spray-painted (St. Francis de Sales Church, Sherman Oaks, CA) - 

September 17: Statue of angel knocked off pedestal (Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO) - 

August 2024

August 30: Processional Crucifix damaged, statue of Blessed Virgin Mary knocked down (Dahlgren Chapel at Georgetown University, Washington, DC) - 

August 23: Catholic pro-life pregnancy center vandalized with red paint, doors damaged by cement (Aid for Women, Chicago, IL) - 

August 16: Window at front of rectory set on fire (St. Francis de Sales Church, Sherman Oaks, CA)- 

August 11: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary toppled and beheaded, prayer garden damaged (St. Anthony Catholic Church, Kansas City, MO) - 

August 9: Multiple areas of church set on fire (St. Rose Catholic Church, Sacramento, CA) - 

August 7: Base of statue of St. Francis de Sales set on fire (St. Francis de Sales Church, Sherman Oaks, CA) - 

July 2024

July 29: Playground equipment and shed vandalized (St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church, Greenwell Springs, LA) - 

July 29: Fountain damaged (St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Sarasota, FL) - 

July 6: Three instances of vandalism over three-week period, including statue of Mary toppled and broken and racial slur written on door (St. Leo Church, Hartford, AR) - 

July 4: Windows broken (St. Theresa Church, Orleans Village, VT) - 

June 2024 

June 30: Man smashed head of a statue of the child Jesus with shoe (Holy Family Catholic Church, Fresh Meadows, NY) - 

June 26: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary vandalized (St. John’s Catholic Church, Stillwater, OK) - 

June 13: Man set fire to rectory (Christ the Divine Parish, Monroeville, PA)- 

June 11: Statues of St. Teresa of Calcutta and Pope St. John XXIII smashed, glass front doors shattered (St. Dominic Church, Bensonhurst, NY) - 

June 9: American flag and keyboard set on fire inside church building (St. Jerome Catholic Church, Maplewood, MN) - 

June 6: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary toppled and broken (St. Monica Catholic Church, Coos Bay, OR) - 

May 2024

May 31: Statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Padre Pio vandalized (Mater Dolorosa Catholic Church, New Orleans, LA) - 

May 15: Group of teenagers spray painted graffiti on exterior of church (St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Spokane, WA) - 

May 11: Teenager with gun disrupted First Communion service (St. Mary Magdalen Church, Abbeville, LA) - 

April 2024

April 28: Pro-abortion graffiti spray painted on doors (St. Patrick Catholic Church, Portland, OR) - 

April 19: Statues of Blessed Virigin Mary and Holy Family topped and broken (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Muskogee, OK) - 

April 14: Man broke window and entered church building (Christ the King Catholic Church, Glen Burnie, MD) - 

April 9: Fire extinguishers dispersed, cross on altar turned upsided down, holy oil poured over floors, religious artifacts damaged (St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, Louisville, KY) - 

March 2024

March 31: Communion wafers strewn throughout parking lot while congregants attended Mass (St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Harper’s Ferry, WV) - 

March 31: Rock thrown at sacristy window (St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX) - 

March 28: Man set fire to interior of church (Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Verona, NJ) - 

March 26: Rock thrown at sacristy window (St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX) - 

March 26: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child knocked down, broken (St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Altoona, PA) - 

March 13: Man broke into and vandalized church (Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Santa Ana, CA) - 

March 12: Rock thrown through front window (St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX) - 

March 3: Intruders entered rectory and damaged office (St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church, New York, NY) - 

February 2024 

February 28: Man broke into monastery, smashed windows and religious objects (The Grotto Monastery, Portland, OR) - 

February 19: Statue of Jesus knocked to the ground (Immaculate Conception Church, New York, NY) -  

February 19: Stained glass windows broken (National Shrine of St. John Neumann, Philadelphia, PA) - 

February 15: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary vandalized with a hammer (Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC) - 

February 9: Traffic cone thrown through stained glass window (St. Rita Catholic Church, Long Island City, NY) - 

January 2024

January 27: Group broke into church, broke stained glass and damaged crucifix (St. Columba Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn, NY) - 

January 8: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary spraypainted gold (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Louisville, KY) - 

January 7: Nativity scene vandalized, statues broken (Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Overbrook, PA) - 


December 2023

December 11: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary spraypainted gold (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Louisville, KY) - 

November 2023

November 29: Statue of St. Joseph toppled and broken in half, steps damaged (St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, Indianapolis, IN) - 

November 22: Stained glass window broken, church ransacked (Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission, Irwindale, CA) - 

November 11: Crude images spraypainted on exterior of church (St. Andrew Catholic Church, Eagle River, AK) - 

November 5: Paint splattered on front doors and signs (Cathedral of the Annunciation, Stockton, CA) - 

November 1: Stained glass front doors smashed, satanic graffiti (Holy Family Catholic Church, Eastmoreland, OR) - 

November 1: Statues of Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Francis of Assisi broken (Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, Staten Island, NY) - 

October 2023

October 31: Over a dozen incidents, including pro-life signs stolen, church and school front doors vandalized, signs spraypainted, ahead of vote on abortion-related proposition (Achdiocese of Cincinnati) - 

October 30: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary broken (St. Andrew Avellino Church, Flushing, NY) - 

October 24: Large, historic Crucifix damaged by man hanging and swinging from it (Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston, MA) - 

October 16: Cross stolen from main altar (St. Patrick Roman Catholic Parish, Bisbee, AZ) - 

October 10: Damage to two statues outside of church (Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Broussard, LA) - 

October 6: Fire set to altar cloth, tabernacle cloth, and lectionary by two 12-year-olds (St. John the Evangelist Church, East Bridgewater, MA) - 

October 2: Pipe organ, marble walls, and plate glass windows damaged (St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Madawaska, ME) - 

October 2: Pro-life sign defaced (St. Paul Catholic Church, St. Louis, MO) - 

October 1: Crosses for pro-life display pulled up from lawn (Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Elmhurst, IN) - 

September 2023

September 16: Graffiti multiple times over three-week period (Prince of Peace Parish, Lewiston, ME) - 

September 16: Statues stolen and damaged (Holy Family Church, Lewiston, ME) - 

September 13: Statue of Jesus beheaded (Holy Savior Catholic School, Lockport, LA) - 

September 10: Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary stolen (Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo, ND) - 

September 7: Crucifix stolen from gravesite of Charelene Richard, Servant of God (St. Edward Catholic Church, Church Point, LA) - 

September 2: Classrooms trashed, desks broken, computer screens smashed, and windows shattered (Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Santa Clarita, CA) - 

August 2023

August 31: Fire started in dumpster on church property, moved to roof and sanctuary causing significant damage (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Salem, OR) - 

August 23: Sacred items, including a Crucifix, desecrated and non-sacred items damaged inside church (Holy Family Catholic Church, Grand Blanc, MI) - 

August 12: Man used snow shovel to break statues, vases, candles, and other items, attempted to set carpet on fire (Immaculate Conception Church, Willoughby, OH) - 

August 7: Window broken (Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul, Lewiston, ME) - 

July 2023

July 29: Stained glass windows broken (Notre Dame Church, Ogdensburg, NY) - 

July 17: Holy oil poured out, crosses turned upside down, satanic imagery written on items inside church (Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church, El Paso, TX) - 

July 15: Man broke into church through window, chased staff out of building, damaged Crucifix (Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, New York, NY) - 

July 8: Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary spray-painted (Resurrection Church, Brooklyn, NY) - 

June 2023

June 28: Attempted break-in, damage to historic structure including Rose Window (Mission San José, San Antonio, TX) - 

June 28: Cross sawn down (Santiago Retreat Center, Silverado, CA) - 

June 16: Satanic messages spray-painted on exterior of school (Annunciation Catholic School, Denver, CO) - 

June 10: Woman spray-painted messages on church walls, damaged altar (St. Timothy Catholic Church, Miami, FL) - 

June 5: Man smashed photographs in rectory, spread paint thinner in rectory basement, smashed head with monstrance, and threw consecrated hosts from the Tabernacle on the ground (St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Queens, NY) - 

May 2023 

May 23: Woman set fire to outdoor chapel (Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Des Plaines, IL) - 

May 14: Multiple statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary broken, knocked down (Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Goose Creek, SC) - 

May 2: Furniture toppled, inscriptions defaced (Chapel of St. Ignatius at Seattle University, Seattle, WA) - 

May 2: Brick thrown through glass door (Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens, Brooklyn Heights, NY) - 

April 2023

April 16: Interior of church vandalized (Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Churubusco, NY) - 

April 10: Exterior graffitied with satanic symbols (St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church, Johnstown, PA) - 

April 8: Statues of Holy Family vandalized (St. Patrick Seminary, Menlo Park, CA) - 

April 1: Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe smashed (Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Corona, CA) - 

April 1: Altar overturned and broken, statue and other objects broken (St. Paulinus Catholic Church, Syracuse, NE) - 

March 2023

March 20-April 24: Over the course of three nights man toppled statues and defiled altar (St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, Metairie, LA) - 

March 23: Statue of angel destroyed (Holy Family Parish, Fresh Meadows, NY) - 

March 11: Vandalism to Crucifix and interior of church, smashed windows (Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Gales Ferry, CT) - 

February 2023

February (date not given): Unspecified vandalism (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Manistee, MI) - 

January 2023

January 26: Pro-life signs defaced (St. Stephen Catholic Church, Riverview, FL) - 

January 25: Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus vandalized (Good Shepherd Church, Fall River, MA) - 

January 23: Woman overturned potted plant, smashed statue of Jesus Christ (St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo, ND) - 

January 20: Front doors vandalized (St. Boniface Catholic Church, Cincinnati, OH) - 

January 20: Baby Jesus stolen, statues damaged (San Pablo Catholic Church, Marathon, FL) - 

January 18: Pro-life memorial defaced (St. Rosalia Church, Greenfield, PA) - 

January 17: Glass door shattered, image of Our Lady of Guadalupe slashed, statues and other religious items stolen, walls graffitied (Mary Queen of Peace, Billings, MT) - 

January 16: Statues for outdoor nativity set smashed, stolen (St. Patrick Co-Cathedral, Billings, MT) - 

January 13: Man threw brick through window of front door, attempted to set flagpole on fire (St. Agnes Catholic Church, Blackwood, NJ) - 

January 13: Man attempted to throw rock through window (St. Teresa Church, Runnemede, NJ) - 

January 13: Cross set on fire on church lawn (St. Patrick’s Church, Woodbury, NJ) - 

January 10: Glass windows of front door shattered by thrown object (St. Mary Catholic Church, Escondido, CA) - 

January 9: Bottle thrown at statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe (St. Mary Catholic Church, Escondido, CA) - 

January 8: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary smashed (All Saints Catholic Church, Ft. Worth, TX) - 

January 5: Altar smashed with sledgehammer, reliquaries stolen (Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR) - 

January 5: Nativity scene vandalized (St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church, Jamaica, NY) - 


December 2022

December 30: Brick thrown through window, woman entered church and threatened priest (Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Grand Island, NE) - 

December 25: Flower vases kicked over, crucifix vandalized (St. Mary Catholic Church, Escondido, CA) - 

December 25: Satanic symbolism etched into wooden doors of cathedral (Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton, PA) - 

December 17: Statues from Nativity scene stolen (St. Michael Catholic Church, Tybee Island, GA) - 

December 11: Three statues vandalized (St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Downington, PA) - 

December 3: Threatening note left on door (St. John Paul II Newman Center, Omaha, NE) - 

November 2022

November 26: Stained glass windows broken, grounds damaged by vehicle (St. Bernard Catholic Church, Weston, WV) - 

November 23: Phallic symbols spray-painted on church exterior (St. Andrew Catholic Church, Eagle River, AK) - 

November 20: Graffiti spray-painted on outdoor Divine Mercy shrine (St. Peter Catholic Parish, Kenosha, WI) - 

October 2022

October 31: Cemetary vandalized with satanic graffiti (Calvary Cemetery, Rochester, MI) - 

October 30: Satanic symbols spray-painted on church (St. Pius X Catholic Church, Mountlake Terrace, WA) - 

October 28: Wrench thrown through the door of Archbishop’s residence (Archdiocese of New York, New York, NY) - 

October 25: Interior of church vandalized, including damage to tabernacle and baptismal font; obscenities written on altar and Eucharist desecrated (Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Colusa, CA) - 

October 23: Many items, including Tabernacle, stolen from church (Our Lady of the Prairie, Reva, SD) - 

October 23: Front door of church vandalized (St. Stephen Catholic Church, El Paso, TX) - 

October 17: Fire started inside church, causing damage to stained glass and stations of the cross (St. Patrick’s Parish, Watsonville, CA) - 

October 9: Church vandalized with pro-abortion messages (Church of the Resurrection, Lansing, MI) - 

October 5: Man attacked desk attendant with a sword, threw incendiary device at building (Holy Family Cathedral, Tulsa, OK)  - 

October 3: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary smashed, sign run over by car (Mary’s Nativity-St. Ann Parish, Flushing, NY) -

September 2022

September 25: Exterior of Catholic pro-life medical clinic graffitied with satanic messages and imagery (Bella Health + Wellness, Englewood, CO) - 

September 24: Political messages and satanic symbols spray-painted on exterior (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Arcata, CA) - 

September 18: Office graffitied (St. Thomas Aquinas Pastoral Center, Palo Alto, CA) -\ 

September 17: Extensive damage to interior of church, including broken statues and urine on floor (Our Lady of the Angels, Sauk Centre, MN) - 

August 2022

August 30: Statue of Our Lady of Fatima stolen (St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, Gibbsboro, NJ) - 

August 19: Statues and outdoor event tent and shed vandalized (St. Mary Catholic Church, Glens Falls, NY) - 

August 17: Glass window and door broken (Sts. Mary and John Catholic Parish, Evansville, IN) - 

August 15: Statue of St. Anthony decapitated and damaged, benches and windowsill smashed, office ransacked and candles destroyed (St. Anthony Catholic School, Washington, DC) - 

August 11: Statue of St. Anthony decapitated and damaged, benches and windowsill smashed, office ransacked and candles destroyed (St. Anthony Catholic School, Washington, DC) - 

August 8: Front doors and windows hit by bullets from drive-by shootings (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Denver, CO) - 

August 6: Front doors and windows hit by bullets from drive-by shootings (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church, Denver, CO) - 

August 2: San Clemente statue decapitated, satanic altar found behind church (San Clemente Mission Parish, Bakersfield, CA) - 

August 2: Stained glass windows smashed by rocks (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bakersfield, CA) - 

July 2022

July 23: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary smashed, statues of St. Joseph and baby Jesus decapitated (Kingsburg Holy Family Catholic Church, Kingsburg, CA) - 

July 22: Statues knocked over and smashed (Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Houma, LA) - 

July 21: Graffiti on exterior of building (St. George Catholic Church, Framingham, MA) - 

July 20: Pro-life sign defaced (St. Boniface Catholic Church, Springfield, GA) - 

July 14: Windows shattered, statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary toppled (St. Thomas Aquinas Parish School, East Lansing, MI) - 

July 14: Multiple windows broken with rocks (Lansing Catholic High School, Lansing, MI) - 

July 12: Pro-life signs defaced (Didde Catholic Campus Center, Emporia, KS) - 

July 9: Posted signs with threatening messages, caused damage to statues (St. Patrick Church, Kennett Square, PA) - 

July 9: Multiple fires set inside church building, statues pulled down, Stations of the Cross torn from walls, books torn (St. Jane Frances de Chantal Church, Bethesda, MD) - 

July 9: Church building vandalized with pro-abortion messages, statue of Blessed Virgin Mary defaced (Church of the Ascension, Overland Park, KS) - 

July 9: Satanic and pro-abortion graffiti spraypainted on building (Parish of St. John Neumann, Lower Township, NJ) - 

July 8: Pro-life sign vandalized (Blessed Sacrament Church, Ontario, OR) - 

July 8: Statue of Mary knocked down, broken (St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Long Beach, MS) - 

July 7: Man made threats, lit books on fire in chapel (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Upland, CA) - 

July 5: Windows broken and sprinkler system damaged repeatedly over 2-month period (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Oakdale, CA) - 

July 4: Pro-abortion message spray-painted on building (St. Bernard Catholic Church, Madison, WI) - 

July 3: Pro-abortion, anti-Christian messages spray-painted on building (Holy Family Catholic Church, Hillsborough, NC) - 

July 1: Pro-life sign defaced (St. Mary Catholic Church, Vinton, IA) - 

July 1: Sidewalk spray-painted outside church building (St. Charles Catholic Church, Chippewa Falls, WI) - 

July 1: Sidewalk spray-painted outside church building (Holy Ghost Parish, Chippewa Falls, WI) - 

July 1: Sidewalk spray-painted outside church building (Notre Dame Catholic Church, Chippewa Falls, WI) - 

July 1: Sidewalk spray-painted outside church building (St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Tilden, WI) - 

June 2022

June 30: Fire suspected as arson caused estimated 1 million dollars in damages to school (St. Anthony of Padua School, Lorain, OH) - 

June 28: Man spray-painted anti-religious messages on building, damaged doors with rocks, and threatened people at the church building (St. Louise Catholic Church, Bellevue, WA) - 

June 27: Pro-abortion, threatening messages spraypainted on front doors (Church of the Ascension, New York, NY) - 

June 27: Red paint splattered on statue (St. George Catholic Church, Framingham, MA) - 

June 25: Pro-life sign vandalized (St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, Hutchinson, KS) - 

June 25: Memorial to aborted children vandalized (St. Therese Little Flower Catholic Church, South Bend, IN) - 

June 25: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on walls, stained glass windows broken (St. Anthony Parish, Renton, WA) - 

June 25: Two statues of angels stolen, statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary toppled (St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Harlingen, TX) - 

June 25: Sign vandalized with pro-abortion messages (All Saints Parish, Portland, OR) - 

June 25: Historic church burned to ground in suspected arson attack (St. Colman Catholic Church, Shady Spring, WV) - 

June 25: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on church building; mulch set on fire (St. John Neumann Catholic Community Church, Reston, VA) - 

June 25: Statue memorializing children who died of abortion defaced (Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church, New Orleans, LA) - 

June 25: Exterior of church defaced with pro-abortion graffiti (St. Patrick Catholic Church, Philadelphia, PA) - 

June 24: Exterior of church defaced with pro-abortion and other political slogans (Guardian Angel Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn, NY) - 

June 23: Religious statues and garden pots smashed (St. Margaret’s Roman Catholic Church, Buffalo, NY) - 

May 2022

May 29: Tabernacle stolen, Holy Eucharist thrown on floor, statues of angels on the altar decapitated and destroyed (St. Augustine Catholic Church, Brooklyn, NY)- 

May 28: Threats and pro-abortion messages spray-painted on building (South Broward Pregnancy Help Center, Miami, FL) - 

May 22: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on church building (St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Olympia, WA) - 

May 19: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on front doors of church building (Notre Dame de Lourdes, Swarthmore, PA) - 

May 17: Statues of Lúcia dos Santos and Jacinta Marto, two of the children who witnessed the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, smashed and decapitated (Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, New York, NY) - 

May 17: Statue vandalized (St. David the King, West Windsor, NJ) - 

May 11: Pro-life sign vandalized (Church of the Ascension, Overland Park, KS) - 

May 9: Pro-abortion messages painted on front doors (Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Houston, TX) - 

May 9: Building vandalized with pro-abortion messages, attempted desecration of Eucharist (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Katy, TX) - 

May 9: Theft of Tabernacle containing Body and Blood of Jesus Christ (St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church, Katy, TX) - 

May 8: Offices set on fire using incendiary devices (Oregon Right to Life, Keizer, OR) - 

May 8: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on door and sign (Loreto House, Denton, TX) - 

May 7: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on front doors, glass panels broken (St. John Paul XXIII Catholic Church, Fort Collins, CO) - 

May 4: Phallic symbols spray-painted on exterior of church (St. Andrew Catholic Church, Eagle River, AK) - 

May 4: Pro-abortion messages spray-painted on front doors (Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Boulder, CO) - 

April 2022

April 16: Man poured gasoline on door and sidewalk leading to church (St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, Boone, NC) - 

April 8: Thirty windows and front door broken by rocks (Cristo Rey Catholic Church, Austin, TX) - 

April 1: Sanctuary vandalized, crucifix and stained glasss window damaged (St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, North Beach, MD) - 

March 2022

March 25: Tabernacle stolen (St. John the Evangelist, Hydes, MD) - 

March 25: Statue of Our Lady of Fatima stolen (St. Jude Catholic Church, Ceres, CA) - 

March 22: Statue of St. John Neumann vandalized (Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia, PA) - 

March 19: Statue of Jesus with children smashed (St. Mel’s Catholic Church, Woodland Hills, CA) - 

March 12: Front doors vandalized (St. Anthony Catholic Church, Wellington, KS) - 

March 8: Interior and exterior of church vandalized, statue damaged (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Royal Oak, MI) - 

March 1: Statue of the Holy Family defaced with blasphemous words and imagery (Holy Family Catholic Church, Jacksonville, FL) - 

February 2022

February 28: Tombstones at Ukrainian Catholic cemetery defaced (St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church, Baltimore, MD) - 

February 23: Statue of the Holy Family stolen from parking lot (St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX) - 

February 18: Headstones in cemetery knocked down (St. Stephen Cemetery, Framingham, MA) - 

February 17: Two statues of angels knocked down (Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Milledgeville, GA) - 

February 14: Stained glass windows smashed (St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Catholic Church’s Shrine of the Little Flower, Albuquerque, NM) - 

January 2022 

January 27: Interior of church vandalized (Greenwood Catholic Church, Greenwood, MS) - 

January 26: Statues of Our Lady of Fatima and children who witnessed apparitions decapitated (Church of the Nativity, Burke, VA) -

January 14: Tabernacle vandalized, money stolen (St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Fresno, CA) - 


December 2021

December 29: Christmas decorations damaged and stolen (Mary Mother of God Catholic Church, Hillsborough, NJ) - 

December 26: Statues of the Holy Family stolen from Nativity scene (Holy Cross Catholic Church, Woodland Park, NJ) - 

December 23: Christmas decorations damaged and stolen (Mary Mother of God Catholic Church, Hillsborough, NJ) - 

December 13: Arsonist set fire to church and adjacent parsonage (Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Portland, IN) - 

December 12: Christmas decorations damaged and stolen (Mary Mother of God Catholic Church, Hillsborough, NJ) - 

December 7: Statue of Our Lady of Fatima vandalized (Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC) -

November 2021

November 28: Fire at Catholic Charities, causing destruction of roof and one fifth of the building (Catholic Charities, Knoxville, TN) - 

November 25-29: Windows smashed and statues toppled (St. Peter’s Catholic Church, DeLand, FL) - 

November 9: Graffiti painted on exterior walls (St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Chicago, IL) - 

November 5: Graffiti spray-painted on exterior of Catholic mission (Mission San Jose, Fremont, CA)  - 

November 1: Statue of St. Anthony of Padua decapitated (St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Fargo, ND) - 

October 2021

October 30: Satanic symbols spray-painted on church (St. Pius X Catholic Church, Mountlake Terrace, WA) - 

October 24: Fire set to parish office (St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma, WA) - 

October 22: Swastika painted on a pillar in church parking lot (Annunciation Catholic Church, Washington, DC) - 

October 21: Headstones knocked down (St. Stephen Cemetery, Framingham, MA) - 

October 21: Hateful messages spray-painted on exterior wall of church (American Martyrs Catholic Church, Manhattan Beach, CA) - 

October 11: Graffiti painted on exterior wall of residence (Arrupe Jesuit Residence, Seattle University, Seattle, WA) - 

October 11: Paint splattered over the exterior of the church (Los Angeles, CA, St. Peter Italian Catholic Church) - 

October 10: Windows broken and exterior vandalized with spray paint (St. Edward Church, Seattle, WA) - 

October 10: Hateful messages and other graffiti found spray painted on exterior wall and door (Denver, CO, Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception) - 

September 2021 

September 29 and August 29: Statues of Jesus vandalized (Miami Shores, FL, St. Martha Catholic Church) - 

September 29: Windows broken and exterior spray painted with pro-abortion messages (Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Boulder, CO) - 

September 23: Stained glass windows smashed (St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church, Van Nuys, CA) - 

September 9: Statues of St. Patrick, Our Lady of Fatima, and Our Lady of Grace broken (St. Patrick Church, North Little Rock, AR) - 

September 5: Graffiti found on church’s door, sign, and garden sign (St. Louis Catholic Church, Louisville, CO) -  

September 2: Exterior of church and parish hall vandalized with white paint (St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, Jay, ME) -  

August 2021 

August 17: Statue of the St. Bernadette knocked down (St. Michael’s Church, Flushing, NY) - 

August 12: Statue destroyed (Church of St. Joseph, Spring Valley, NY) - 

August 9: Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary vandalized (Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mary, Bronx, NY) - 

August 6: Doors vandalized with black paint (St. Benedict Catholic Church, Seattle, WA) - 

July 2021 

July 17: Woman seen on camera smashing statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Thérèse of Lisieux (Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Forest Hills, NY) - 

July 11: Doors vandalized with obscene political slogans (Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Portland, OR) - 


July 8: Fire set in bell tower (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Los Angeles, CA) - 

July 7: Statue of Jesus covered in red paint (Basilica of St. Lawrence, Asheville, NC) - 

July 4: Man seen on camera using red paint to vandalize church buildings and statues (St. Patricks’ Catholic Church, Merced, CA) - 

July 2: Front doors of church vandalized with red paint (St. James Cathedral, Seattle, WA) - 

July 1: Front doors, steps, and columns vandalized with red paint (St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Parish, Portland, OR) - 

July 1: Statue of Blessed Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus vandalized and stolen (Holy Rosary Church, Jersey City, NJ) - 

June 2021

June 30: Graffiti painted on exterior of church (Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Denver, CO) - 

June 26: Fires lit and graffiti found on church grounds (St. Patrick Catholic Church, Portland, OR) - 

June 26: Stained glass window broken (St. Andrew Catholic Church, Portland, OR) - 

June 19: Fire started at front door of church (St. Veronica’s Catholic Church, Philadelphia, PA) - 

June 8: Graffiti spray-painted on exterior of church (Immaculate Conception Church, Queens, NY)  - 

June 4: Man caught on camera vandalizing doors and stained glass (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Port Charlotte, FL) - 

May 2021

May 31: Stained glass and doors defaced (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Port Charlotte, FL) - 

May 27: Audio equipment stolen and multiple fire extinguishers deployed inside the church (Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Leavenworth, WA) -

May 17: Statue of baby Jesus decapitated (Diocese of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY) - 

May 15: Statues of Our Lady of Carmel and the Sacred Heart of Jesus vandalized (Our Lady of Mount Carmel-St. Benedicta-St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Staten Island, NY) -,22418 

May 14: Large crucifix toppled and smashed, American flag burned (St. Athanasius Catholic Church, Brooklyn, NY) - 

May 8-9: Statue of Jesus Christ vandalized (St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Narragansett, RI) - 

May 8: Rocks thrown through stained glass windows (Our Lady of Grace, Everett, MA) - 

May 6: Stained glass windows broken and statue of San Juan Diego vandalized (Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Riverside, CA) - 

May 5: Statue of Polish priest vandalized (McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY) 

May 4: Update on fire at Mission San Gabriel Arcángel in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles - “Man Charged with Arson in San Gabriel Mission Fire” -

May 2-3: Statue of Jesus Christ decapitated (St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Waltham, MA) - 

April 2021 

April 26: Man smashed face of Our Lady of Guadalupe with a sledgehammer (St. Elisabeth Catholic Church, Van Nuys, CA) - 

April 17 or 18: Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. John, spray painted (Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Woodland, CA) - 

April 17 or 18: Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary spray painted (St. John Vianney, Rancho Cordova, CA) - 

April 16 or 17: Face of statue of Jesus vandalized (St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo, ND) - 

April 15: Statues of three female saints vandalized (Holy Rosary Church,Woodland, CA) - 

March 2021 

March 24: Gunshots fired at abbey of Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles (Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, Gower, MO) - 

March 22: Fire at St. Charles Catholic School is being investigated as possible arson (St. Charles Catholic Church, Spokane, WA) -  

March 12: Unkown substance inserted into locks, statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary knocked down (St. Teresa of Calcutta Church, St. John Paul II Academy, and St. Monica-St. Augustine Catholic Church, Boston, MA) - 

March 2: Vandals damaged statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Thomas the Apostle (St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Ft. Worth, TX) - 

February 2021 

February 27: Several statues vandalized (Basilica of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Youngstown, OH) -  

February 25: Chapel doors and statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary vandalized (St. Mary of the Knobs Catholic Church, Floyds Knobs, IN) -  

February 20: Gunshots fired at abbey of Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles (Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, Gower, MO) - 

February 19: Doors damaged (Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA) - 

February 17: Gunshots fired at abbey of Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles (Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus, Gower, MO) - 

February 16: Statue and flower pots around altar damaged (St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Denver, CO) - 

February 10: Three angel statues toppled and broken (St. Pius X, El Paso, TX) - 

January 2021 

January 29: Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe shot six times (Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Houston, TX) - 

January 19: Graffiti and arson at Cathedral (Rosary Cathedral, Toledo, OH) - 

January 1: Cathedral tagged with anti-police graffiti (St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, NY) -


December 2020 

December 28: Stained glass windows vandalized (Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Fall River, MA) - 

December 25: Nativity scene vandalized on Christmas morning (St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Indianapolis, IN) - 

December 11: Front entrance to site graffitied (Mission San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA) -  

December 6: Church buildings and bathroom spray-painted (St. Louis Catholic Church, Houma, LA) -  

November 2020 

November 28: Windows broken (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Derry, PA) - 

November 23: Statue of Jesus smashed with rock, two other statues decapitated and pushed into sewer drain, garden set on fire with accelerant (St. Bernard Catholic Church, Sunrise, FL) -  

November 15: Apparent arson attack (Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Brewster, WA) -  

November 10: Portrait of St. Pope John Paul II defaced (St. Gabriel Elementary School, Milford, CT)  -  

November 9: Statue of Mary graffitied, “God is dead” spray-painted on church exterior (St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Chicago, IL) - 

November 8: Head of Jesus stolen from crucifix (Mother Cabrini Catholic Church, Shamokin, PA)  -  

November 3: Unspecified vandalism (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Derry, PA) - 

October 2020 

October 31: Unspecified vandalism (St. Joseph Catholic Church, Derry, PA) - 

October 25: Altar vandalized (St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, Louisville, KY) -  

October 22: Statue of Mary toppled (St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Scranton, PA) - 

October 21: Statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ found toppled; gardens surrounding the statues were also damaged. (St. Germaine Catholic Church, Prescott Valley, AZ) - 

October 20: Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary found vandalized; left hand was cut off, and there was a crack along her head.  (Resurrection Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn, NY) -  

October 19: Pro-life display vandalized.  The display consists of 150 small white crosses and a banner, which were knocked down. (Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Magnolia, AR) - 

October 12: Statue of Junipero Serra defaced and pulled down (Mission San Rafael Arcángel, San Rafael, CA) -  

September 2020 

September 29: Statues of Joseph, Mary, and infant Jesus decapitated, heads carried away (St. Joseph Cupertino Catholic Church, Fall River, MA)- 

September 29: Rocks, cinderblocks thrown through windows of Catholic church, decapitated heads of holy family statues found on site (Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, Fall River, MA) - 

September 26: Exterior of church graffitied with swastikas, political messages, and satanic imagery (St. Peter’s Chaldean Catholic Cathedral, El Cajon, CA) - 

September 26: Exterior of church graffitied with swastikas, political messages, and satanic imagery (Our Mother of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, El Cajon, CA) - 

September 24: Man with baseball bat damages crucifix, doors at Catholic seminary (Assumption Seminary, San Antonio, TX) - 

September 23: Man breaks church windows, sets pews on fire (Incarnation Catholic Church, Town ’n’ Country, FL) - 

September 15: Statue of Jesus topped, beheaded (St. Patrick Cathedral, El Paso, TX) -  

September 13-14: Statue of St. Therese toppled, beheaded; parish office burglarized (St. Therese of the Child Jesus Catholic Church, Midvale, UT) - 

September 11: Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe toppled (Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace, Brooklyn, NY) - 

September 9: Statues damaged and beheaded, windows broken (Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Tioga, LA) - 

August 2020 

August 25: Anti-religious graffiti spray-painted on Catholic Church site during protests over police shooting of Jacob Blake (St. James Church, Kenosha, WI) - 

August 24 (approximately): Attempted beheading of statue of Mary (Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Allentown, PA) - 

August 17: Statue of Mary beheaded, swastika spray-painted on Ten Commandments (Holy Family Parish, Citrus Heights, CA) - 

August 9: Statue of St. Jude beheaded (Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, Denver, CO) - 

August 8: Deconsecrated church destroyed in suspected arson (Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Wounded Knee, SD) -  

August 3: Fires set at church entrance (Sacred Heart Church, Weymouth, MA) - 

July 2020 

July 18-19: Abortion monument toppled (Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Bloomingburg, NY) - 

July 15: Satanic and anarchist symbols painted on the front door of the church (St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, New Haven, CT)  

July 14-15: Outdoor statue of Jesus knocked over and beheaded (Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Miami, FL)  

July 14: Statue of St. Mary painted red (St. Mary’s Cathedral, Colorado Springs, CO) - 

July 13: Statue of St. Mary beheaded (St. Stephen Catholic Church, Chattanooga, TN) -  

July 11: Statues of children, Blessed Virgin Mary, and Jesus damaged (Sacred Heart Church Center, Punta Gorda, FL) - 

July 11-12: Outdoor statue of St. Mary burned (St. Peter’s Parish, Dorchester, MA) - 

July 11: Man crashed minivan through church door, poured gasoline on the foyer and lit it on fire. People were inside the church, preparing for Mass. (Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Ocala, FL) -

July 11: Fire at 249-year-old church destroyed the roof, pews, and more (Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, San Gabriel, CA) -  

July 10: Outdoor statue of St. Mary spray painted with word “IDOL” (Cathedral Prep School and Seminary, Elmhurst, NY) - 

July 5-6: Crucifix at roadside shrine smashed (St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Rockford, IL) -  

July 4: Exterior vandalized with red paint and political messages (Mission San Jose, Fremont, CA) - 

July 3: Outdoor statue of St. Mary beheaded and hands severed (St. Ann Catholic Parish, Gary, IN) -  

June 2020 

June 22: At a Catholic college’s on-campus cemetery for deceased priests who taught at the school, a man defaced gravestones by painting swastikas and anti-Catholic language, burned some American flags that were next to the graves, and assaulted a college security guard (Providence College, Providence, RI) - 

May 2020 

May 30-31: Church exterior damaged over multiple nights, including smashed gates, grafitti with messages such as “God is dead” and “There is no God,” and windows shattered by rocks (Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Denver, CO) - 

May 30: Church exterior graffitied (St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, NY) - 

May 30: Church exterior graffitied with “prosecute killer cops,” “ACAB” [All Cops Are Bastards], “Kill all cops,” and “Make America pay for its crimes against Black lives” (Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral, Los Angeles, CA) - 

May 29: Thrown rocks shattered rectory windows (Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, KY) - 

May 29: Exterior damaged, including thrown rocks shattering windows (St. Jude Chapel, Dallas, TX) - 

May 28: Minor property damage (St. Olaf Catholic Church, Minneapolis, MN) - 

May 28: Someone broke into the church and poured flammable liquid under the pews, lighting a fire that damaged pews and the floor (Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, MN) 

May 6:  Pulpit, altar, and statue damaged (St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Casper, WY)