Video Scripts on Faithful Citizenship
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
November 2019
Video 1: Catholics Participate in Public Life
Faith and Politics.
As Catholics, how are we called to engage?
How can we live out our faith in and out of the voting booth?
As followers of Christ,
we are called to participate in public life!
It’s about voting, and getting involved in our communities,
serving those in need, and advocating.
There are many ways we are invited to work with Christ as he builds his kingdom!
“The Church's obligation to participate in shaping the moral character of society
is a requirement of our faith.
It is a basic part of the mission we have received from Jesus Christ.” (FCFC, no. 9)
We work to protect both the unborn and families in poverty.
We advocate for the dignity of immigrants in need of welcome, to put an end to racism,
and to protect the religious freedom of all.
We are not aligned with any party, but we shine the light of our faith
to influence parties to which we may belong,
as well as our elected officials and those in our communities.
As Catholics we must also imitate Christ’s love and compassion
by modeling civility where we live, work and worship,
through seeking to understand,
through treating others with respect
and engaging with them, even when we disagree,
and by approaching conversations with love and charity.
Together, we can be witnesses of faithful citizenship!
Merciful Father,
Thank you for inviting each of us to join in your work
of building the kingdom of love, justice and peace.
Help us to encounter all whom you love:
those not yet born, those in poverty, those in need of welcome.
Guide us to imitate your charity and compassion
and to serve as models of loving dialogue.
Get involved.
Video 2: Catholics Protect Human Life and Dignity
As Catholics, we witness to the life and innate human dignity of all people.
Those not yet born,
Victims of war and racism,
Persons with disabilities,
Migrants and refugees,
Families affected by poverty,
Those on death row.
The elderly and those nearing the end of their lives.
We recognize the image of God in all people!
“Human life is sacred.
The dignity of the human person
is the foundation of a moral vision of society.” [FCFC no. 44]
We can all play a role in protecting human life and dignity
by voting, by serving, and by advocating in our communities all year, every year.
We do this in our daily actions to honor each person’s dignity.
By responding in love, every day, to hardships.
By speaking up when we see something wrong, by listening to others and their concerns
By advocating for the life and dignity of all:
By working to protect the life and dignity of all who are created in God’s image,
we can answer the call to faithful citizenship!
God of all life,
Help us to appreciate the great gift that is human life:
Help us to recognize your face
In all whom you have created
Regardless of stage of life
Or wealth
Or ability
Or color or creed.
All radically equal in your loving eyes
Share with us your holy knowledge
That we are all your children
And our human dignity, no matter what may assault it, endures
And can never be taken away.
Find out more. Visit
Video 3: Catholics Promote the Common Good
As Catholics, we promote the common good
so that every person can not only live but also thrive.
We seek to protect the rights of all people: To life.
To food and shelter, education, health care, decent work.
We seek to ensure religious freedom, freedom of conscience for everyone.
And we work to care for God’s creation and our common home.
We seek changes to unjust systems locally, nationally and around the world.
All of us are called to work for the common good in our families,
at our parishes, in our neighborhoods and workplaces, and in the voting booth.
Our faith-inspired action can transform communities and systems so that everyone can thrive.
We are called to work together for the common good of all.
Good and gracious God,
You created us for freedom
and for full flourishing.
Where people are denied the rights to life, freedom,
safety, or health—let us seek the common good.
Where people lack what they need to flourish: education, decent work,
religious freedom—let us seek the common good.
Show us how to be light to the world and salt of the earth,
who seek the common good.
You can help promote the common good.
Video 4: Catholics Love Their Neighbors
As Catholics, we seek to imitate Christ’s example of love,
in our families, neighborhoods, and around the world!
How we organize our society can allow individuals and families to thrive and participate
or prevent them from doing so.
We are called to protect the family founded on marriage between a man and woman,
and a child’s right to a mother and a father.
We are called to help women and children fleeing poverty or violence.
We are called to help every person fully participate in their communities
and have a voice in decisions that affect them.
We are called to protect future generations as we care for our common home.
We are called to strengthen our global community.
“A basic moral test for any society is how it treats those who are most vulnerable…
we will be judged by our response to the least among us.” [from FCFC no. 53]
We must seek the good of our neighbors.
Those not yet born, those who are immigrants, those who experience poverty or racism,
our brothers and sisters around the world who are victims of war and hunger,
all who are marginalized.
We can make a difference through voting, serving,
and advocating all year, every year!
Loving Father who binds all people,
Help us to gaze upon the stranger, and encounter a brother
the unborn child, and recognize a sister
the victim of war or hunger, and see a member of your own family.
Teach us to work to protect families everywhere
so that they may thrive
and all can participate in letting your love and justice reign.
How can you love your neighbor?
“Visit to find out.
Video 5: Faithful Citizens Work with Christ as He Builds His Kingdom
Faith and Politics.
As Catholics, how are we called to engage?
How can we live out our faith in and out of the voting booth?
As followers of Christ,
we are called to participate in public life!
It’s about voting, and getting involved in our communities,
serving those in need, and advocating.
There are many ways we are invited to work with Christ as he builds his kingdom!
“The Church's obligation to participate in shaping the moral character of society
is a requirement of our faith.
It is a basic part of the mission we have received from Jesus Christ.” [FCFC, no. 9]
We work to protect both the unborn and families in poverty.
We advocate for the dignity of immigrants in need of welcome, to put an end to racism,
and to protect the religious freedom of all.
The Church is not aligned with any party, but Catholics are called to shine the light of our faith
to influence parties to which we may belong,
as well as our elected officials and those in our communities.
As Catholics we must also imitate Christ’s love and compassion
by modeling civility where we live, work and worship,
through seeking to understand,
through treating others with respect
and engaging with them, even when we disagree,
and by approaching conversations with love and charity.
Together, we can be witnesses of faithful citizenship!
“Catholics Protect Human Life and Dignity”
As Catholics, we witness to the life and innate human dignity of all people.
Those not yet born,
Victims of war and racism,
Persons with disabilities,
Migrants and refugees,
Families affected by poverty,
Those on death row.
The elderly and those nearing the end of their lives.
We recognize the image of God in all people!
“Human life is sacred.
The dignity of the human person
is the foundation of a moral vision of society.” [FCFC no. 44]
We can all play a role in protecting human life and dignity
by voting, by serving, and by advocating in our communities all year, every year.
We do this in our daily actions to honor each person’s dignity.
By responding in love, every day, to hardships.
By speaking up when we see something wrong, by listening to others and their concerns
By advocating for the life and dignity of all:
By working to protect the life and dignity of all who are created in your image,
we can answer the call to faithful citizenship!
“Catholics Promote the Common Good”
As Catholics, we promote the common good
so that every person can not only live but also thrive.
We seek to protect the rights of all people: To life.
To food and shelter, education, health care, decent work.
We seek to ensure religious freedom, freedom of conscience for everyone.
And we work to care for God’s creation and our common home.
We seek changes to unjust systems locally, nationally and around the world.
All of us are called to work for the common good in our families,
at our parishes, in our neighborhoods and workplaces, and in the voting booth.
Our faith-inspired action can transform communities and systems so that everyone can thrive.
We are called to work together for the common good of all.
“Catholics Love their Neighbors”
As Catholics, we seek to imitate Christ’s example of love,
in our families, neighborhoods, and around the world!
How we organize our society can allow individuals and families to thrive and participate
or prevent them from doing so.
We are called to protect the family founded on marriage between a man and woman,
and a child’s right to a mother and a father.
We are called to help women and children fleeing poverty or violence.
We are called to help every person fully participate in their communities
and have a voice in decisions that affect them.
We are called to protect future generations as we care for our common home.
We are called to strengthen our global community.
“A basic moral test for any society is how it treats those who are most vulnerable…
we will be judged by our response to the least among us.” [FCFC no. 53]
We must seek the good of our neighbors.
Those not yet born, those who are immigrants, those who experience poverty or racism,
our brothers and sisters around the world who are victims of war and hunger,
all who are marginalized.
We can make a difference through voting, serving,
and advocating all year, every year!
Merciful Father,
Thank you for inviting each of us to join in your work
of building the kingdom of love, justice and peace.
Help us to value all whom you love:
those not yet born, those in poverty, those in need of welcome.
Guide us to imitate your charity and compassion
and to serve as models of loving dialogue.
Be a faithful citizen. Work with Christ as he builds his kingdom!
Video recordings containing the approved scripts are available at:
Catholics Participate in Public Life
Catholics Protect Human Life and Dignity
Catholics Promote the Common Good
Catholics Love their Neighbors
Faithful Citizens Work with Christ as He Builds His Kingdom