In this section you'll find planning ideas for parishes and schools, suggestions for prayer and worship, and ideas for religious educators and youth ministers.
Liturgy and Prayer Suggestions | Sugerencias para los liturgistas y los líderes de la oración
Bulletin Announcements | Anuncios para boletines
Prayer and Reflection Resources | Oración general y materiales para la reflexión - Prayer and reflection resources that help parishioners understand more deeply these connections: how to recognize Christ in the poorest and most vulnerable, and then how to respond to the call to act on their behalf through political involvement.
Adult Education and Small Faith Community Sharing | Formación de adultos y pequeñas comunidades de fe
Directors of Religious Education and Catechists' Recommendations / Sugerencias para educadores de religión
Catholic Schools Principals and Teachers' Recommendations | Ideas para directores y maestros de escuelas católicas
Jr. High and High School Discussion and Learning Activities | Ideas para actividades de aprendizaje para estudiantes de secundaria
Jr. High and High School Lesson Plans | Ejemplos de esquemas de lecciones y materiales para estudiantes de secundaria
Elementary Lesson Plans | Esquemas de lecciones para escuelas de primaria
Youth Ministers' Recommendations | Sugerencias para los ministros juveniles
Youth Ministry Discussion and Learning Activities | Ideas de actividades para el dialogo y el aprendizaje en programas del ministerio juvenil