Eucharist and Mission: Reflections and Prayer Resources

Each week as we celebrate around the table of the Lord, we have an opportunity to return again to the love of Christ and to be transformed. As we are transformed, we are sent on a mission together to live as the Body of Christ in the world. The Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development has cultivated a sampling of resources to help individuals and communities become missionary disciples who are fed, healed, and sent by the Eucharist.  

National Prayer Vigil for Life January 19-20

Reflections from the Eucharistic Revival

"This is my Body": Reflections on My Migrant Journey and the Eucharist

  • Yohan Garcia reflects on the Eucharist providing strength during his difficult migrant journey.

Caring for Our Common Home: Eucharistic Solidarity

  • Stephanie Held reflects on the connections between the Eucharist and the call to care for the world that God created. 

Visiting the Sick: Healing for Body and Soul

  • Sheila Herlihy reflects on the Eucharist and mercy, expressed through visiting the sick and through healing those “sick” systems and institutions which perpetuate injustice in our world. 

Jesus Showed Me the Way

  •  Annemarie Zullo describes her parish’s Welcome Circle for refugees from Ukraine as a way of living Eucharistic lives. 

We Become What We Receive

  •  Jill Rauh shares how the love that emanates through the Sacred Heart of Jesus transforms us to become in the community what we receive on the altar. 

Diffusing the Divine Fragrance

  •  Fr. Patrick Hyde reflects on his trip to Ethiopia with Catholic Relief Services and accompanying the Missionaries of Charity, whose ministry is fed by the Eucharist. 

When Eternal Life Takes Root in Us

  •  Katie Lyon shares her family’s story of the accompaniment of her daughter, Jenny, who has a disability, and the presence of the Spirit “who is quietly, mysteriously, amazingly working within [Jenny’s] soul. 

A Eucharistic Revival that Renews the Church: Part III

  • Cardinal Blase Cupich writes about the power of the Eucharist to transform and heal in a world divided by war, polarization, and a lack of respect for human life and dignity. 

From Limelight to Lamblight: Following the Eucharistic Light of Christ in Advent 

  • During Advent, Deacon Lucio Caruso wrote about Christ’s self-sacrifice, which invites us to live “in solidarity with the poor, forgotten, and most vulnerable.” 

Bring What is Broken

  • Jill Rauh shares an experience to illustrate how nourished by the Eucharist, we can respond to the call to break that is broken and transform structures that prevent God’s children from thriving. 

Video Reflections

Prayer Resources


Catechetical Resources on Eucharist and Mission