Resources for Ministry Leaders

Sacred heart of Jesus

Celebrate Jovenes Annually

Each year on the Solemnity of Christ the King, the Catholic Church holds its Global Celebration of Young People, where Catholic communities in every country set time aside to reflect on, acknowledge, and celebrate the jovenes - all youth and young adults - in their midst. The USCCB has developed a resource guidebook for pastoral leaders to implement this celebration locally.  

The resource guidebook (en español) can be found here: usccb-cristo-rey-guia.pdf.

Resources on the Ministry Profession

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The profession of pastoral ministry with young people is the fulfillment of the vocation of service within the Church. As the Second Vatican Council noted: “They bring to the Church people who perhaps are far removed from it, earnestly cooperate in presenting the word of God especially by means of catechetical instruction, and offer their special skills to make the care of souls and the administration of the temporalities of the Church more efficient and effective.” (Apostolicam Actuositatem, no. 10). Here are some resources about this ministry profession.


2022-2023 Qualitative Study of Pastoral Ministers Serving Young Catholics

Available through Ministry Training Source: Ministry in a New Key

The following organizations and initiatives are in collaboration with the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, and other USCCB offices in the promotion, formation, and support of Pastoral Juvenil Hispana. You can find an array of knowledge, helpful resources, and training opportunities pertaining to Pastoral Juvenil and the work in Hispanic Ministry done throughout the United States. 


The Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs is under the direction of and assists the Committee on Cultural Diversity within the Church by working collaboratively with the committee and other USCCB committees to affirm the gifts and contributions of Hispanic Catholics and to provide more opportunities for Hispanic Catholics to engage in the life of the Church and help shape its evangelization mission.

El Subcomité en Asuntos Hispanos, bajo la dirección del Comité de Diversidad Cultural en la Iglesia, trabaja en colaboración con el comité y otros comités de USCCB para afirmar los regalos y contribuciones de católicos hispanos y proporcionar más oportunidades para que católicos hispanos entren en la vida de la Iglesia y conozcan su misión en la evangelización.

La Red Logo

The National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (La RED)  is an inclusive association of Roman Catholic Church organizations and pastoral ministers committed to the evangelization, holistic development, and ongoing support and formation of Hispanic youth and young adults in the United States. La RED promotes the articulation of its members at the national and regional levels.

La RED Nacional Católica de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (La RED) es una asociación inclusiva de organizaciones Católicas de ministros pastorales comprometidos a la evangelización, desarrollo integral, asesoría y formación de la juventud hispana en los Estados Unidos. La RED promueve la articulación de sus miembros a nivel nacional y regional.


The Regional Office for Hispanic Ministry and its Pastoral Institute, SEPI assists the Southeast US Catholic Bishops (Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee), to form and train leaders in their faith and culture for the integration of the Hispanic community in the life of the Church and society.

La Oficina Regional para el Ministerio Hispano y su Instituto Pastoral, SEPI asisten a los Obispos Católicos del sureste (Alabama, Carolina del Norte y del Sur, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Luisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee) a desarrollar y entrenar líderes en su fe y cultura para la integración de la comunidad hispana en la vida de la Iglesia y de la sociedad.    

Instituto fe y vida Logo

Instituto Fe y Vida (Fe y Vida) is a national non-profit Catholic leadership institute widely recognized as the authority in the field of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry in the United States, and the leading agent in bringing the Bible to young Latinos throughout the Americas. Instituto Fe y Vida equips ministers, young adult leaders, and parents to promote evangelization and faith formation among young Latinos, particularly in the United States, by fostering their own development and their mission in the Church and in the world. 

El Instituto Fe y Vida (FE y VIDA) es un instituto de liderazgo católico y sin fines de lucro reconocido extensamente como la autoridad en el ministerio de pastoral juvenil en los Estados Unidos, así como el principal agente de pastoral en hacer llegar la Biblia a la juventud latina por todo el Continente Americano. El Instituto Fe y Vida fomenta la fe y la esperanza en la juventud católica hispana, propicia su madurez, así como su desarrollo humano y social, con un enfoque cimentado íntegramente en nuestra tradición católica, para que sean líderes efectivos en la Iglesia y la sociedad.


The V Encuentro is a three-year process of pastoral-theological reflection culminating in a national event, followed by one year of training and implementation. The process includes a broad consultation on the needs, aspirations, and contributions of Hispanics/Latinos, and the pastoral actions needed to address them. The outcome of the consultation is articulated through the celebration of encuentros at the parish, diocesan, regional and national levels. 

El V Encuentro es un proceso de tres años de reflexión teológico-pastoral que culmina en un evento nacional, seguido por un año de formación e implementación. El proceso incluye una amplia consulta de las necesidades, aspiraciones y contribuciones de hispanos/latinos, y las acciones pastorales necesarias para abordarlas. El resultado de la consulta se articula a través de encuentros del nivel parroquial, diocesano, regional y nacional.

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