Letter to Senator McConnell on Foreign Operations Appropriations
Bishop John H. Ricard and Mr. Ken Hackett, September 26, 2005
Letter to Secretary of State Rice on the Upcoming World Summit
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 7, 2005
Letter to U.S. Senate on FY 2006 Foreign Operations Appropriations
Bishop John H. Ricard and Mr. Ken Hackett, July 13, 2005
Statement Reacting to G8 Summit
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 11, 2005
Letter to President Bush before G-8 Summit
Bishop William Skylstad, June 28, 2005
Letter to Congress on FY 2006 Foreign Operations Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard, Bishop Gerald Barnes & Ken Hackett, June 6, 2005
Letter to Chairman Kolbe on FY2006 Foreign Operations Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard, Bishop Gerald Barnes & Mr. Ken Hackett, June 1, 2005
Letter to Congress on FY2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard, Bishop Gerald Barnes, & Ken Hackett, April 26, 2005
Letter to Congress on FY 2006 Budget Priorities
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop John Ricard, Bishop Bernard Harrington, April 20, 2005
Letters to U.S. Senate on FY 2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief
Bishop John H. Ricard, Bishop Gerald Barnes, Mr. Ken Hackett, April 1, 2005
Letter to U.S. House of Representatives on FY 2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief
Bishop John H. Ricard, March 15, 2005
Letter to Congress on FY2006 Federal Budget Priorities
Bishop William S. Skylstad, February 15, 2005
Letter to Congress Regarding FY 2005 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard, Bishop Thomas Wenski, Mr. Ken Hackett, October 20, 2004
Testimony Before U.S. House of Representatives on FY2005 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
USCCB and CRS, May 14, 2004
Letter to Representative Kolbe on FY 2005 Foreign Operations Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard and Mr. Ken Hackett, April 20, 2004
Letter to U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives Conferees on FY 2004 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Bishop John Ricard and Mr. Ken Hackett, November 10, 2003
Letter to U.S. Senate on FY 2004 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 3, 2003
Statement: Keep America's Promise to Africa
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 16, 2003
Letter to President Bush on Africa and FY 2004 Foreign Aid
Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, August 19, 2003
Letters to Senator Frist and Representative Hastert Regarding FY 2004 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Bishop John H. Ricard, August 18, 2003
Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Regarding Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 15, 2003
Letter to Senator Frist on the Millennium Challenge Account
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 2, 2003
Letter to Representative Hastert on the Millennium Challenge Account and Peace Corps Expansion Act
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 2, 2003
Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Regarding Foreign Assistance
Bishop John H. Ricard, June 30, 2003
Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Regarding the Millennium Challenge Account
Mr. Gerard F. Powers and Mr. Ken Hackett, June 6, 2003
Letter to U.S. House of Representatives United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003
Bishop John H. Ricard, April 30, 2003
Testimony Before U.S. House of Representatives on FY 2004 Foreign Assistance Appropriations
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services, April 2, 2003
Letter to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget Daniels on the FY 2004 Millennium Challenge Account
Mr. Gerard Powers, USCCB and Mr. Ken Hackett, CRS, December 24, 2002
"Millennium Challenge Account: A Proposed Conceptual Approach for Eligibility"
USCCB White Paper, August 2002
Testimony Before U.S. House of Representatives Regarding FY 2003 Foreign Assistance
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services, May 9, 2002
Letter to President Bush on Increasing Foreign Aid
Bishop Wilton Gregory, April 3, 2002
Letter to U.S. Senate Regarding FY 2002 and FY 2003 State Department (Foreign Relations) Authorization Legislation
July 31, 2001
Letter to U.S. Senate on International Assistance Appropriations
July 25, 2001
Statement on the President's Initiative on Global Poverty Alleviation and Increase in World Bank Grant to Poorest Countries
July 19, 2001
Letter to Congress Regarding Foreign Assistance
June 26, 2001
Testimony for U.S. House of Representatives on FY 2002 Foreign Assistance
March 28, 2001
Testimony Before U.S. House of Representatives on Foreign Assistance Appropriations
Fr. William Headley, Catholic Relief Services, March 28, 2001
Letter to Congress Regarding Disappointing Funding Levels for Foreign Operations
July 24, 2000
Statement Regarding Funding Levels for Foreign Operations
July 10, 2000
Testimony Before U.S. House of Representatives Regarding FY2001 Foreign Assistance
Mr. Francis Carlin, March 30, 2000