His Eminence Cardinal Christophe Pierre - "Missionaries of Hope, Advocates for Justice"

Saturday, January 25 - Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Read Pope Francis' Message for CSMG 2025
This year’s theme, “Missionaries of Hope, Advocates for Justice,” recognizes the call to be beacons of God’s love. The 2025 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering celebrates and shares a bright vision for our world and equips leaders to become advocates for justice and peace. Join us at the next in-person gathering of U.S. Catholic social ministry leaders organized by the Secretariat of Justice and Peace, 10 USCCB departments, and 20 national Catholic organizations!
For more than 40 years, the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) has brought together hundreds of participants whose faith inspires them to address pressing current domestic and global challenges affecting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters at home and around the world. The upcoming in-person gathering will include:
The program at CSMG 2025 will include offerings for Hispanic/Latino leaders who play an important role in forming disciples on mission in their communities.
For more than 40 years, the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) has served as the major annual Gathering organized by the Secretariat of Justice and Peace in collaboration with 10 other USCCB departments and 20 national Catholic organizations. This central gathering of Catholic social ministry leaders in the U.S. usually draws over 500 participants whose faith inspires them to respond to pressing current domestic and global challenges.
Each year the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering provides an excellent opportunity for Catholic leaders to Connect, Learn, Pray and Advocate!
Connect with social ministry colleagues from across the United States. Share best practices, plan for emerging needs and identify areas for cooperation. Join the Gathering’s virtual community on Facebook and Twitter.
Learn the broader context of Catholic social ministry. Get informed on domestic and global challenges to human life and dignity, justice, and peace. Bring your experience and perspective of your diocese, organization, and faith community.
Pray together to renew our vision for mission. Wonderful liturgies will mark our gathering.
Advocate for policies to protect and support people suffering poverty and injustice. In this defining experience of the Gathering, our meetings and prayer flow directly to Capitol Hill, where, as one faith community, we bring our concerns and proposals to defend and empower the most vulnerable. Continue this effort after the Gathering through district visits with members of Congress in your own community.
Visit our FAQs and CSMG Highlights pages to learn more.
See the agenda for CSMG 2025 here.
One of the most important aspects of the annual Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) is participating in meetings with members of Congress and their staff on issues of key concern to Catholics. CSMG Legislative Priorities will be identified for Gathering participants to advocate on Capitol Hill.
The Diversity Outreach Initiative (DOI) of the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering seeks to develop leaders from diverse Catholic communities for ministry in the Church. The initiative expresses our commitment to strengthen the Church's social ministry by reaching out to Catholic ethnic, racial, and disability communities and encouraging members to lift up the richness and diversity of their gifts in our shared mission.
For more information visit our Diversity Outreach Initiative page.
The Catholic Social Ministry Gathering strives to recognize, encourage, and prepare young and diverse leaders of our Church's advocacy and social ministries.
Students and faculty from colleges and universities, and emerging leaders aged 18-26, are invited to join other professionals and volunteers in Catholic social ministry deepening their faith and understanding and raising their voices with legislators on matters of national and international concern.
For more information visit our Young Leaders Initiative page. Faculty or staff interested in helping students participate are asked to complete an interest form.
Becoming a sponsor or exhibitor for CSMG will provide your organization with an opportunity to introduce your programs, services, and products to influential leaders shaping the future of Catholic social ministry, policy advocacy, parish life, campus ministry, and the Church's interaction with civil society for the promotion of the common good. Sponsorship of CSMG, in particular, provides your organization with high visibility as a supporter of the Catholic Church's mission to promote human life and dignity both in the United States and internationally.
To be a part of this important effort download our CSMG Sponsor Kit and Exhibitor Kit.
The Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) is a professional meeting of leaders and emerging leaders in Catholic social ministry from dioceses and diverse Catholic organizations. As such, the meeting is closed to the general public, and attendance is by registration only. We welcome attendance by pre-approved representatives of media organizations as observers of the Gathering.
Learn more about registration, and cancellation/refund, media, social media, and recording policies.
Still have questions? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions.