Downloadable WYDUSA Logo



The WYDUSA office at the USCCB has developed a logo to unite all USA pilgrims as they travel to Krakow or celebrate Stateside. We encourage groups to use our logo on their pilgrim gear as they prepare to celebrate WYD. 


The World Youth Day USA (WYDUSA) logo is the property of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, developed for the purpose of bringing solidarity and unity to World Youth Day pilgrims from across the United States of America, including those who travel to the international gatherings and those who celebrate digitally and stateside, as well as WYDUSA "alumni," that is, those from the United States who have experienced an international or stateside World Youth Day gathering in the past. 
1. Local parishes and dioceses can use the logo as-is, with the TM (trademark) designation. 
2. Local parishes and dioceses can only use the logo for informational and promotional purposes, not product development. 
3. No alterations may be done with the logo: the WYD/USA must be at the same level/proportion as the cross-and-flag design; the color and lettering must remain the same as it is in the original logo. 
4. Other designs for local reasons may be used, but the WYDUSA logo™ must remain on its own in the same format received.

The WYDUSA logo packs a lot of meaning for US pilgrims. Check out meaning of the official WYDUSA Logo™

We encourage all US Pilgrim groups to wear our logo during their pilgrimage to a WYD celebration. You can buy pilgrim's swag that is officially license with the WYDUSA office from the WYDUSA Store. You can also download the WYDUSA Logo™ or email to request an image of the WYDUSA Logo™. 

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