The Catholic bishops of the United States have long held that the most effective way to build a just economy is to make decent work at decent wages available for all those capable of working. When the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs, there is a moral obligation to protect the life and dignity of unemployed and underemployed workers and their families.




Testimony to Congress on Paid Leave
Archbishop Borys Gudziak, October 25, 2023

Letter to Congress on Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP)
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley and Archbishop William E. Lori, September 8, 2022

Statement: After "Dobbs," Congress Must Come Together to Protect Life and Promote the Common Good
August 1, 2022

Bishop Chairman Comments on Paycheck Protection Program
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, July 10, 2020

Letter to Senate Committee on Education, Labor, and Pensions and to House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor on Relief During Coronavirus Pandemic
Bishop Michael C. Barber, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley and Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville
April 9, 2020

News Release: Chairman of U.S. Bishops' Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development Encourages Lawmakers in Providing Aid and Relief to Those Affected by Coronavirus
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, March 12, 2020



2024 Labor Day Statement I 2024 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop Mark J. Seitz. September 2, 2024

2023 Labor Day Statement I 2023 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Borys Gudziak
September 4, 2023

2022 Labor Day Statement I 2022 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 5, 2022

2021 Labor Day Statement 2021 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 6, 2021

2020 Labor Day Statement  |  2020 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 7, 2020

2019 Labor Day Statement | 2019 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Bishop Frank J. Dewane
September 2, 2019

2018 Labor Day Statement | 2018 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Bishop Frank J. Dewane
September 3, 2018

2017 Labor Day Statement | 2017 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Bishop Frank J. Dewane
September 4, 2017

2016 Labor Day Statement | 2016 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski
September 5, 2016

 Use our Labor Day Resources for prayers, activities, and reflections on the dignity of work and the rights of workers.


Resources on Unemployment and Poverty

Pastoral Reflection Guide Now Available for Labor Day Weekend | en Español
The resource contains homily notes, Prayers of the Faithful, social media announcements, and more.

Backgrounder on The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (S. 1486)
January 2022

Backgrounder on Paid Family Leave
February 2019

Backgrounder on Protecting Workers and Promoting the Dignity of Work
January 2016

Backgrounder on Just Wage and the Federal Minimum Wage
February 2014

Backgrounder on Worsening Economic Inequality
February 2014

Backgrounder on Protecting the Rights of Workers in a Globalized Economy
February 2013

Primer on Labor in Catholic Social Thought

Backgrounder on Paid Sick Leave
April 2006

Labor and Employment

Complete List of Labor Day Statements

2024 Labor Day Statement I 2024 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Borys Gudziak and Bishop Mark J. Seitz
September 2, 2024

2023 Labor Day Statement I 2023 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Borys Gudziak
September 4, 2023

2022 Labor Day Statement I 2022 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 5, 2022

2021 Labor Day Statement 2021 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 6, 2021

2020 Labor Day Statement | 2020 Declaración del Día del Trabajo
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley
September 7, 2020

2019 Labor Day Statement | En Español
Bishop Frank J. Dewane
September 2, 2019

2018 Labor Day Statement | En Español
Bishop Frank J. Dewane
September 3, 2018

2017 Labor Day Statement | En Español
September 4, 2017, Bishop Frank J. Dewane

2016 Labor Day Statement | En Español
September 5, 2016,Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski

2015 Labor Day Statement | En Español
September 7, 2015, Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski

2014 Labor Day Statement | En Español
September 1, 2014, Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski

2013 Labor Day Statement | En Español
September 2, 2013, Bishop Stephen E. Blaire

Placing Work and Workers at the Center of Economic Life | En Español
September 3, 2012, Bishop Stephen E. Blaire

Human Costs and Moral Challenges of a Broken Economy | En Español
September 5, 2011, Bishop Stephen E. Blaire

A New "Social Contract" for Today's "New Things" | En Español
September 6, 2010, Bishop William Murphy

The Value of Work | En Español
September 7, 2009, Bishop William Murphy

An American Catholic Tradition | En Español
September 1, 2008, Bishop William F. Murphy

A Time to Remember; A Time to Recommit | En Español
September 3, 2007, Bishop Nicolas DiMarzio

A Labor Day Reflection on Immigration and Work | En Español
September 4, 2006, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Work, Pope John Paul II, and Catholic Teaching En Español
September 5, 2005, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Global Trade That Works for All | En Español
September 6, 2004

Recommitting to Justice for Farm Workers | En Español
September 1, 2003

Monsignor George G. Higgins: Faithful Priest and Voice for Workers | En Español
September 2, 2002

The Dignity of Work and Workers: The Message of Laborem Exercens
September 3, 2001, Cardinal Roger Mahoney

A Jubilee for Workers: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Millennium
September 4, 2000, Cardinal Roger Mahoney

Social Security and Solidarity
September 6, 1999, Cardinal Roger Mahoney

Not a Picnic for Everyone
September 7, 1998, Bishop William Skylstad

Economic Progress: Looking Beyond the Numbers
September 1, 1997, Bishop William Skylstad

An Economy of Paradoxes: Labor Day Challenges
September 2, 1996, Bishop William Skylstad

Renewing the Social Contract: Reclaiming the Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
September 4, 1995, Bishop John H. Ricard S.S.J.

Work: Still at the Center of the Social Question
September 5, 1994, Bishop John H. Ricard S.S.J.

A "Labor Priest" Challenges Us
September 6, 1993, Bishop John H. Ricard S.S.J.

Work and Family: Old Values, New Challenges
September 7, 1992, Bishop James W. Malone

A Time for Action
September 2, 1991, Bishop James W. Malone

On the New Condition of Labor
September 3, 1990, Msgr. George G. Higgins

Freedom, Justice and the Role of Unions
September 4, 1989, Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan

Solidarity and American Catholics
September 5, 1988, Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan

Rights and Responsibilities of Workers
September 7, 1987, Bishop Joseph M. Sullivan

Family and Work
September 1, 1986, Cardinal John J. O'Connor

Employment, Unemployment, Wages

Testimony to Congress on Paid Leave
Archbishop Borys Gudziak, October 25, 2023

Letter to Congress on Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act (PUMP)
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley and Archbishop William E. Lori, September 8, 2022

Statement: After "Dobbs," Congress Must Come Together to Protect Life and Promote the Common Good
August 1, 2022

Letter to U.S. Senate on Paycheck Fairness Act and Redefinition of Term "Sex" 
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, and Bishop David A. Konderla, June 8, 2021

Letter to U.S. House of Representatives on Opposing Addition of Provision Redefining "Sex" in Paycheck Fairness Act
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, and Bishop David A. Konderla, April 14, 2021

Comments on Paycheck Protection Program
Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, July 10, 2020

Letter to Congress Regarding Fair and Just Wages
Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and Sr. Donna Markham, July 28, 2015

Letter to the U.S. Senate on the Minimum Wage and Just Wages
Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski, Fr. Larry Snyder, January 8, 2014

Testimony Before the U.S. Senate on Building a Foundation of Fairness: 75 Years of the Federal Minimum Wage
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, June 25, 2013

Letter to Congress on Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act, Unemployment Insurance, and Child Tax Credit
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, February 9, 2012

Letter to Congress on Unemployment Insurance
Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, December 12, 2011

Letter to U.S. Senate on the Healthy Families Act and Paid Family Leave
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, May 10, 2007

Letter to U.S. House of Representatives on the Healthy Families Act and Paid Family Leave
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, May 10, 2007

Letter to U.S. House of Representative Regarding the Fair Minimum Wage Act
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, January 8, 2007

"I address a strong appeal from my heart that the dignity and safety of the worker always be protected."
- Pope Francis, Regina Caeli, 4/28/13