Days of Prayer and Special Observances
Although not exhaustive, the following list includes many common observances promoted by the Holy See and the USCCB. Dates given are those shared with the universal Church except as indicated, where the USCCB has approved alternate dates in the United States for a couple of the special observances.
- January 1 — World Day of Peace
- January 18–25 — Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- January 22 — Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children (USA)
- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (between January 21–27) — Sunday of the Word of God
- Last Week in January — Catholic Schools Week (USA)
- Sunday following February 2 (USA) — World Day for Consecrated Life
- February 7–14 — National Marriage Week USA
- Second Sunday in February — World Marriage Day
- February 8 — World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
- February 11 — World Day of the Sick
- entire month — Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Fourth Sunday of Easter (variable date in April or May) — World Day of Prayer for Vocations
- May 22 — National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Mariners and People of the Sea (USA)
- May 24 — World Day of Prayer for the Church in China
- Seventh Sunday of Easter (variable date in May or June) — World Communications Day
- Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus — World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
- June 22–29 — Religious Freedom Week (USA)
- Week of July 25 — Natural Family Planning Awareness Week (USA)
- September 1 — World Day of Prayer of the Care of Creation
- September 9 — Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities (USA)
- Sunday after Labor Day (USA) — World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
- Third Sunday in September (USA) — Catechetical Sunday
- Last Sunday in September — World Day of Migrants and Refugees; Priesthood Sunday
- Last Week in September — National Migration Week (USA)
- entire month — Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- entire month — Respect Life Month
- First Sunday in October — Respect Life Sunday
- Penultimate Sunday in October — World Mission Sunday
- entire month — Black Catholic History Month
- Thirty–Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — World Day of the Poor
- Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe — Global Celebration of Youth and Young Adults (World Youth Day)
Since the Second Vatican Council, the celebration of ember and rogation days continue to exist as ways for the Church "to entreat the Lord for the various needs of humanity" (Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, no. 45), though the scheduling of such days was delegated to Conferences of Bishops. In the United States, that authority rests with each Diocesan Bishop (see General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 373), as they are better able to discern what special intentions need to be prayed for in the respective dioceses and regions. Even as each diocese maintains its list of such special observances, the terminology of ember days and rogation days has shifted to that of "Days of Prayer." The Holy See has also recommended to the universal Church a number of such days, often termed "World Days of Prayer" and frequently promoted by Popes. The USCCB and its committees have offered additional special observances for the United States.
Liturgical Considerations
No liturgical texts or requirements are attached to these observances with the exception of the U.S. day of prayer each January 22. However, these important commemorations can certainly be noted in the homily and universal prayer at Mass, and through other community events. Optionally, some of the special observances can be emphasized by drawing from the Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions in the Roman Missal, but those that fall on Sundays of Ordinary Time would require the permission of the Diocesan Bishop for an appropriate Mass (see GIRM, no. 374). On days where an observance coincides with an Optional Memorial or a weekday in Ordinary Time, a celebrant would be free to select a fitting Mass (see GIRM, no. 377), although consideration must be given to the fact that many Days of Prayer are scheduled on days when the daily liturgy is quite appropriate (i.e., World Day of the Sick on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, World Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking on the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, etc.).