Secretariat's Cultural Diversity in The Church's Recommended Resources 

** USCCB's Store closed in December 2022.  There are a few bolded titles, below, that are online. 

If you are interested in the non-bold titles below, please contact the corresponding Assistant Director or send an email to @email **


Secretariat Newsletter 

One Church Many Cultures The Good News of Cultural Diversity is a bi-annual department newsletter (both print and electronic), that features articles from each of the six ethnic communities (African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, European Catholics, Hispanic Affairs, Native American, and Migrants, Refugees & Travelers).

Visit the page to see the latest issue.


*The bolded titles are online.* 

African American 

NEW! The 40th Anniversary of the pastoral letter, What We Have Seen and Heard

Cause for Sainthood Prayer Cards: If you would like to acquire any of these prayer cards, please contact National Black Catholic Congress via phone (1.410.547.8496) or email (@email). 

  • Sr. Thea Bowman 
  • Venerable Pierre Toussaint
  • Mother Mary Lange 
  • Julia Greely
  • Mother Henriette Delille
  • Fr. Augustus Tolton 
  • Bundle of All Six 

Asian and Pacific Islander

Please contact Sr. Myrna Tordillo for access to the resources listed below at @email 


Please contact Alejandro Aguilera-Titus for access to the resources listed below at @email

Migrants, Refugees, & Travelers (People on the Move) 

Native American 


CARA Study on Cultural Displays Catholic Church's Growing Multicultural Parish Population (2016) 

Read the press release on the second phase of the Study on Cultural Diversity Displays the Catholic Church's Growing Multicultural Parish Population. Check out the completed study! Diocesan Resources

CARA Study on PCMRT Communities 

We are excited to announce that the "PCMRT Worship Site Inventory and Demographics Study," conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University (CARA) from 2017-2021, is now available!

Given the often-hidden reality of many immigrants, refugees, and people on the move populations in the United States, the PCMRT Subcommittee thought it critical to conduct a survey of diocesan and worship sites across the country to obtain information on the presence, outreach, and services offered to these populations in all territorial arch/dioceses in the United States. These profiles and the national report are available at:  as well as

We are happy to offer each diocese a “Diocesan PCMRT Profile Report” as soon as it is available. An overview of the study was presented to the body of bishops on Friday, June 18th, 2021, at the Virtual June 2021 Plenary Assembly, and can be seen at:

It is our hope and prayer that this report may be of help in identifying, strengthening, and expanding outreach efforts to the many immigrants, refugees, and mobile communities in the U.S. For additional information or to request your diocesan report, please contact PCMRT - Sr. Joanna Okereke at @email