NRRO Publications


Engaging Aging - 19:03
Our Employees, Mission, and Legacy, Sister Barbara Sable, SSCM and Sister Michael Ann Orlik, SSCM

Engaging Aging - 19:02
Reframing and Honoring our Aging, Sister Imelda Maurer, CDP

Engaging Aging - 19:01
Transitioning Ownership: The IHM Congregation's Journey, Sister Jane Herb, IHM

Engaging Aging - 18:04
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers: Pilgrimage into the Elder Years, Brother Wayne J. Fitzpatrick, MM

Engaging Aging - 18:03
Meeting Our Graced Future Together: A Joint General Assembly, Sister Donna Dodge, SC, Sister Maureen Shaughnessy, SC

Engaging Aging - 18:02
A Journey of Discernment: Media Nuns on the Move, Sister Jacqueline Jean-Marie Gitonga, FSP, Sister Tracey Matthia Dugas, FSP

Engaging Aging - 18:01
Journey to Collaborative Governance, Sister Janice Bader, CPPS, and Sister Judith Bell, FSM

Engaging Aging - 17:04
Men with Hope to Bring: Holy Cross Brothers Adapt with Grace and Purpose, Brother Philip R. Smith, CSC

Engaging Aging - 17:03
Planning for the Future: A Story of Personal and Communal Transformation, Sister Renita Brummer, OSF

Engaging Aging - 17:02
Salesians' Planning Ensures Healthy Future for Members, Reverend Dennis Donovan, SDB

Engaging Aging - 17:01
Preserving Our Roots by Building for the Future, Sister Megan Mary Thibodeau, SOLT

Engaging Aging - 16:04
Passionists and Aging, Reverend Donald Senior, C.P.

Engaging Aging - 16:03
Aiglatson: A Key to Futures, Sister Sherryl A. White, CSJ, Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 16:02
On Right-Sizing and Transformation, Sister Michelle Marie Stachowiak, CSSF and Sister Janet Marie Adamczyk, CSSF

Engaging Aging - 16:01
Becoming a Radiant Elder, Sister Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 15:04
Milestones of Growing Old with Peace and Joy, Sister Evelyn McGarry, OCSO

Engaging Aging - 15:03
To Be or Not to Be - at 80, Sister Marcia Allen, CSJ

Engaging Aging - 15:02
To Walk with Ever Growing Strength: Forming One Another, Sister Marian Sartain, OP

Engaging Aging - 15:01
There’s Gold in Them There Hills, Sister Jean Flannelly, SC, M.T.S., Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 14:04
Aging in Benedictine Spirituality, Reverend Jerome Kodell, OSB

Engaging Aging - 14:03
A View from the Other Side, Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara, SP

Engaging Aging - 14:02
Being Mind-full about Dementia, Ms. Dayna Larson-Hurst, RN, MSOD

Engaging Aging - 14:01
Building Healthy & Life-giving Communities, Brother Seán D. Sammon, FMS

Engaging Aging - 13:04
Aging with Mary, Reverend James L. Heft, SM

Engaging Aging - 13:03
Change, Loss and Grief: Companions on the Journey, Dr. Ray Mattes, IHM, D.Min.

Engaging Aging - 13:02
A Team Approach to Member Wellbeing, Sr. Catherine Higgins, CSJ

Engaging Aging - 13:01
Maximizing Medication Safety, Sr. Barbara Battista, SP

Engaging Aging - 12:03
Charity Impels: Reclaiming and Rethinking the Vincentian Charism as We Age, Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC

Engaging Aging - 12:02
Utilizing PACE as a Health Care Partner, Kate McCulloh and Sr. Barbara Wincik, IHM

Engaging Aging - 12:01
Contemplation’s Impact on Aging: Rooted in Mystery and Poured Out in Compassion, Sr. Liz Sweeney, SSJ

Engaging Aging - 11:04
Aging in the Fullness of Time, Sr. Ann Lyons, FSSJ

Engaging Aging - 11:03
Elderhood for the World, Rev. Thomas E. Clarke, SJ

Engaging Aging - 11:02
Aging with a Peaceful Spirit, Sr. Dorothy Heiterscheit, OSF

Engaging Aging - 11:01
On the Wings of Eagles: Reflections on Retirement and Continuing Mission, Br. Stephen Glodek, SM

Engaging Aging - 10:04
Aging into the Heart of Mercy, Sr. Margaret Palliser, OP

Engaging Aging - 10:03
Retirement: A View From Leadership, Sr. Nancy Schreck, OSF

Engaging Aging - 10:02
Mental Health and Aging, Rev. Miles Sheehan, SJ, M.D.

Engaging Aging - 10:01
Gerotranscendence Theory: A Fresh Look at Positive Aging, Sr. Sherryl White, CSJ, Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 09:03
Aging in the Interior Castle of Teresa, Sr. Marjorie Robinson, OCD

Engaging Aging - 09:02
The Privilege of Aging, Sr. Mary Ellen Dougherty, SSND

Engaging Aging - 09:01
A Lifetime of Transitions, Sr. Mary Hopkins, OP, and Br. Wayne Fitzpatrick, MM

Engaging Aging - 08:04
How Diet Here?, Sr. Helen Maher Garvey, BVM

Engaging Aging - 08:03
Is there a Spirituality of Aging? Rev. John C. Haughey, SJ

Engaging Aging - 08:02
Transitions of Aging and Leadership Roles, Br. Sean Sammon, FMS

Engaging Aging - 08:01
Journeying to Wellness, Sr. Helen Heher, OSB

Engaging Aging - 07:04
Making Decisions About Senior Care, Sr. Hertha Longo, CSA

Engaging Aging - 07:03
“The Nun Study,” Rev. Myles N. Sheehan, SJ, M.D.

Engaging Aging - 07:02
Levels of Care, Sr. Elizabeth Sullivan, SSJ, and Ms. Kathleen Dugan, RN, LMHC

Engaging Aging - 07:01
Courage: Absence of Fear or Grace Under Pressure, Walter J. Burghardt, SJ

Engaging Aging - 06:04
Twelve Things I Wish I Knew at Twenty-Five, Rev. James Martin, SJ

Engaging Aging - 06:03
Transitioning with the Elder from Independence to Interdependence, Ray Mattes, IHM, MSG, MPA, MA

Engaging Aging - 06:02
Compulsive Hoarding: “Just in Case…”, Shauna Corbin, Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 06:01
The Grandeur: The God Who Fashioned Beauty, Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, SV

Engaging Aging - 05:04
Mary as Our Pioneer in Aging, Sister Rea McDonnell, SSND

Engaging Aging - 05:03
Sisters Facing Death with Dignity and Reverence, Jane Gross

Engaging Aging - 05:02
Spiritual Direction for Elders: A Journey Undertaken in Faith, Rev. James P. Oberle, SS, Ph.D., S.T.L.

Engaging Aging - 05:01
Productive Attitudes to Growing Older, Br. Cornelius E. Hubbuch, CFX

Engaging Aging - 04:04
A Blue-Blanket Christmas, Sr. Marie Beha, OSC

Engaging Aging - 04:03
Sensual Prayer - Electronic Context Ignatian Prayer for Internet Users, Rev. John M. Staudenmaier, SJ

Engaging Aging - 04:02
Creativity Matters: Arts and Aging in America, Gay Hanna, Ph.D., MFA

Engaging Aging - 04:01
Driving and Dementia, Rev. John R. Siberski, SJ, M.D.

Engaging Aging - 03:04
Walking One Another Home, Sister Paula Cooney, IHM

Engaging Aging - 03:03
Reflections on Caregiving, Sister Bernice Feilinger, SSND

Engaging Aging - 03:02
Spirituality and the Second Half of Life, Father Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

Engaging Aging - 03:01
Continuing the Journey, Sister Janice Bader, CPPS

Engaging Aging - 02:04
Remembering Sister Andrée Fries, CPPS

Engaging Aging - 02:03
Tickling the Sleeping Giant, Sister Sherryl White, CSJ, Ph.D.

Engaging Aging - 02:02
Toward a Philosophy of Aging, Catherine Keevey

Engaging Aging - 02:01
Retirement + One New Rhythms and Dances, Sister Amy Hoey, RSM

Engaging Aging - 01:04
The Conference: Dedication and Hope, William L. Keane, M.S., M.B.A.

Engaging Aging - 01:03
On Becoming Sixty-five!, Sister Andree Fries, CPPS

Engaging Aging - 01:02
Retirement: Ministry of Being Present, Mr. Ray Mattes, MSG, MFA, MA

Engaging Aging - 01:01
From the hallways of NRRO..., Sister Janice Bader, CPPS


NRRO Newsletter - 37:01
The National Religious Retirement Office

NRRO Newsletter - 36:03
Dear Friends of the National Religious Retirement Office

NRRO Newsletter - 36:02
New NRRO Video Series

NRRO Newsletter - 36:01
Supporting Retirement Needs of Women and Men Religious

NRRO Newsletter - 35:02
Education Survey Results

NRRO Newsletter - 35:01
Walking Together Dementia Education Series 

NRRO Newsletter - 34:02
Retirement Reset: Five Questions to Aid Retirement Planning

NRRO Newsletter - 34:01
Programs and Resources of NRRO

NRRO Newsletter - 33:03
Plan A, Plan B, Plan C: Faith and Perseverance Pay Off for the Trinitarians 

NRRO Newsletter - 33:02
Goodbye Status Quo, Hello Future

NRRO Newsletter - 33:01
Persistent Challenges: Planning for the Year Ahead

NRRO Newsletter - 32:03
Letting Go and Carrying On: A Community Steps into a Bold New Future

NRRO Newsletter - 32:02
NRRO Eldercare Consultations: The Inside Scoop

NRRO Newsletter - 32:01
Conference Highlights: Discover What You Can Learn

NRRO Newsletter - 31:03
Two Steps Forward: The Sisters of St. Francis of Oldenburg, Indiana

NRRO Newsletter - 31:02
The Future is Today: Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Show How to Plan for the Future

NRRO Newsletter - 31:01
Five Things You May Not Know About NRRO Assistance

NRRO Newsletter - 30:03
Back to the Future: Mount St. Mary’s Abbey: 12th Century Monastic Charism Meets 21st Century Advances and Tending the Vineyard Video Series

NRRO Newsletter - 30:02
Slow and Steady: How the Guadalupanas Won the Race

NRRO Newsletter - 30:01
Retirement Fund for Religious Collection Renewed for Ten Years

NRRO Newsletter - 29:03
Hands-On Help: Workshops Offer Support for Retirement and Eldercare Challenges

NRRO Newsletter - 29:02
Thank You to Sister Janice Bader, CPPS, for Her Years of Service

NRRO Newsletter - 29:01
Better Care and Lower Costs: Planning Leads to a New Vision for Retirement

NRRO Newsletter - 28:03
Tending the Vineyard Workshop Information

NRRO Newsletter - 28:02
Ursuline Sisters Take a New Approach to Eldercare and Community Life

NRRO Newsletter - 28:01
New Programs and New Directions at NRRO

NRRO Newsletter - 27:03
Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Use Planning and Implementation process to Move Vision to Reality

NRRO Newsletter - 27:02
Benedictines of Subioco Abbey Use the Big Picture to Plan for the Future

NRRO Newsletter - 27:01
NRRO Receives $2.5 Million from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

NRRO Newsletter - 26:03
Eldercare Consultations and Consultant Profiles

NRRO Newsletter - 26:02
Sisters of Divine Providence Retirement Planning and Property Best Practices

NRRO Newsletter - 26:01
Actuarial Information in 2012 Mercer Report

NRRO Newsletter - 25:03
Property Issues and Tips for Property Planning

NRRO Newsletter - 25:02
Sisters of St. Joseph of Chambery in Planning and Implementation Program

NRRO Newsletter - 25:01
Sharing in the Care: NRRO Volunteer Consultants

NRRO Newsletter - 24:03
Through Grief to New Life Workshop

NRRO Newsletter - 24:02
A Covenant of Care: Midwest Augustinians Address Change to Care for Elders and Reduce Costs

NRRO Newsletter - 24:01
Lessons of a Centenarian

NRRO Newsletter - 23:03
Speaking Up for Retired Religious

NRRO Newsletter - 23:02
Memory Lane

NRRO Newsletter - 23:01
Diocesan Coordinators: Sharing in the Care

NRRO Newsletter - 22:03
Meet the Religious on the 2009 RFR Poster

NRRO Newsletter - 22:02
Two Wisconsin Communities Collaborate on New Facility

NRRO Newsletter - 22:01
NRRO Launches New Categories for Fund Distribution

NRRO Newsletter - 20:03
NRRO Receives Largest Bequest in RFR History

NRRO Newsletter - 20:02
Where Two or Three are Gathered: Retired Sisters Share Space and Spirit

NRRO Newsletter - 20:01
On the Path to a Sustainable Future

NRRO Newsletter - 19:03
In Memory: Sister Andrée Fries, CPPS

NRRO Newsletter - 19:02
Every Trick in the Book: A Comprehensive Approach to Retirement Planning

NRRO Newsletter - 19:01
Education and Grants Help Community Plan for the Future, Sister Christa Maria Hofmann & Sister Robert Blough

NRRO Newsletter - 18:02
Bishops Vote to Extend the Retirement Fund for Religious